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Scality: A World Leader in Object and Cloud Storage

To get your organization in a position to seize the opportunities enabled by on-premise object and cloud storage, start by looking at a prominent solution provider like Scality. Scality is a world leader in object and cloud storage, who delivers web-scale storage that has powered digital businesses since 2009. Scality develops cost-effective software-defined storage named Scality RING, which serves over 500 million end-users worldwide with over 800 billion objects in production, and the open-source Scality S3 Server
An Astonishing Personality of Scality
Jerome Lecat, Chief Executive Officer of Scality, is a serial entrepreneur and business angel with 20 years of internet infrastructure start-up experience.
Jerome started his entrepreneurial journey in 2003 by leading Bizanga, an email MTA company for service providers. In 2001, he became Chairman of the Board of Data Center Technology (DCT), a Belgium based start-up which developed a unique Content Addressable Storage (CAS) technology, especially for the backup market.
In 1994, together with Olivier Dauchot and Olivier Lemarie, he founded an Internet-Way, an ISP focused on the enterprise market. As its CEO, he built the company from a garage start-up to the second largest ISP in France. In 1997, after the company had reached profitability, he sold the company to UUNET, where he served as Vice President of Products for EMEA.
Jerome had also been dynamic as a business angel and Board member in several leading technology companies, including Vision Objects, the world leader in handwriting recognition, which was sold to Double Day in 2009. Jerome holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, and a research master’s degree in Cognitive Science from Universite Paris VII. Jerome attended the AMD program at INSEAD. He is very active in building bridges between Silicon Valley and the French Tech scene.
A great company is built based on the people in it and not by the CEO.  Jerome believes in teamwork and proudly says about his team that, “At Scality, I’m proud of the team we’ve built and together we can achieve amazing success. I see my role more as a conductor of an orchestra. It’s all about bringing together great talents and allowing them to perform, while making small adjustments to make it all symphonic. We’ve together achieved amazing successes in the last year, including our recognition by Gartner and IDC, the leading storage analyst firms, as a leader in our storage market.”
Serving the Class of Business 
Being a leading innovator in Object Storage, Scality has designed a unique product which is gaining strong traction with leading enterprises and service providers. Scality RING software defined object storage provides a fundamentally different way to store and manage data, transcending the limitations of storage appliances and NAS. It can also dynamically grow with your business without any downtime – not requiring fork-lift upgrades like traditional storage vendors. And, critically it is software-defined storage, which can allow a much lower cost of ownership (Forrester recently showed a 229 percent ROI from the Scality RING for customers).
Scality RING software can be deployed on any industry-standard x86 server, distinctively bringing performance, 100 percent availability and data durability, while integrating easily in the data center by using its native support for directory integration, traditional file applications and over 45 certified applications. It excels at functioning for the specific storage needs of Global 2000 Enterprise, Media and Entertainment, Government and Cloud Provider customers while bringing up to 90 percent reduction in TCO versus legacy storage.
Object storage is lucidly the simplest, most flexible, and most scalable way to store tons of unstructured content. The company also offers its Scality S3 Server, which enables developers and businesses to yield advantage of this simplicity, for free. Whether you’re programming in Go or Java, or whether you’re using prevailing applications for personal or shared data management, the Scality S3 Server is a great starting point and stipulates the simplest onramp to object storage.
The first production implementation of the Scality RING was in 2010. Telenet went live in July 2010, on 40 TB of email for 2 million users (which at the time looked big). The service has never gone down since launch, not even a single minute, and now stores 2.2 Petabytes of data.
Journey towards Successful Future
“Work Hard, Play Hard, Eat Well and Amaze the Customer”, Scality lives on this motto and helps their customer’s business by serving storage environment to connect with more region of the world.
Scality is a customer driven organization and it spends countless time with customers and prospects to understand their needs. Not just what they are saying, but what they are trying to do from a business perspective. And then, they invent the product that responds to their dream infrastructure, going beyond the immediate requirement.
For Scality,  it is all about climbing rapidly now. They only sell to large enterprise and have moved past the 150 customer mark. Last year, they shipped over 240 petabytes of storage (about 16,000 times the size of the entire print collection of the US Library of Congress).

Source :- The 50 Most Valuable Tech Companies