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Reasons Behind Online Shopping Cart Abandonment

Not all the online shoppers take their carts in the checkout points while shopping online. Ever wondered what could be the reasons? Perhaps, they are not the potential shoppers; they must be surfing around and browsing products, or not ready to buy. However, cart abandonment is a major issue, which makes the retailers worried. They try to figure out the exact reasons behind this problem, but end up with no clue.
A recent survey report from the Baymard Institute about the cart abandonment revealed many surprising reasons why consumers abandon online shopping cart. Ranging from design bugs to shipping charges and taxes, these reasons are really noteworthy for all the retail business owners. For example, the report says 27% (1 out of 4) of US online shoppers have abandoned an order in the past quarter just because of too long and complicated checkout process. However, the retail solution provider companies know that this issue (unlike just browsing) can be resolved that can reduce cart abandonment rate and increase conversion rate. They must look at the following solvable reasons because they can get a competitive advantage by fixing these problems.
Extra Costs were Too High
When the consumers are enjoying filling their cart with your products, you should avoid showing them unexpectedly high shipping charges or added tax. Rather, you should provide a quick shipping calculator on the view cart page.
The Site Wanted Me to Create An Account
A long form for creating a new account on your shopping portal may result in the cart abandonment. Of course, shoppers look for the products, but they also like to discover the shopping experience, which does not include filling out forms. A few integrations with other shopping portals can help you hold on the consumers with their carts. Also, a ‘guest checkout’ facility that does not require creating an account is the great way to reduce abandoned carts.
Too Long and Complicated Checkout Process
If the checkout process is complicated, it will leave your consumers feel insecure on your portal. The payment process should work seamlessly and should be easy to use on both the ends.
I Couldn’t Calculate Total Order Cost Up-Front
When the shoppers access a shopping portal, they examine how convenient that portal is. If they do not see something they want at that moment, they just leave the portal. Keep track of their visits and provide them access to their carts’ data such as total items and total cost.
The Website had Errors/Crashes
Website crashes are major problems, which result in the loss of visitors. A shopping website should function at optimal levels for varying traffic levels and user interactions.
I Didn’t Trust the Site with My Credit Card Information
When it comes to purchasing online, trust and reputation of the website are the things shoppers look at first. The security of their confidential data such as credit card information should be at the highest priority.
Delivery was Too Slow
It is also about how you do business offline. Consumer experience plays a crucial role in getting shopping carts at the checkout. Slow shipping or delivery may lead a consumer to cart abandonment next time.
The Return Policy was Not Satisfactory
The returns policy should be more consumer-centric because the online shopping has more risks than the brick and mortar store shopping. All the policies such as cash back, discount, and warranty must satisfy the potential consumers to move their carts forward.
There weren’t Enough Payment Methods
The consumers, who do not find their way to make payment on the portal or website, become disappointed. Integrate as many payment options as possible into your website so that anybody can pay with his/her preferred method.
These are the major reasons why consumers leave, even if they find the products of their choice. The most noticeable thing is that all the issues are solvable and can be fixed. It is associated with what you can do for cart abandonment do not happen again.
You can keep consumers’ general data such as their email address, the products they like, and their preferred payment method for the future of marketing. These days, most of the retailers find it necessary to keep in touch with the consumers through offers and discounts. Promo code, coupon code, or gift card facility is the great way to retain your consumers and to make the new visitors consumers to access this facility.
The key demographics prefer to do shopping through their mobile devices that sometimes results in a poor checkout experience due to bad user interface or complex checkout process. The shoppers would like to take their shopping cart to checkout, which are easily accessible through all the devices. Adding more features to provide more convenience to the shoppers aids in the inclining curve of your ultimate goal of conversion and in getting the shopping cart at its right destination that means a successful checkout.