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PrivacyCheq: Developing Privacy Enhancing Technologies

There’s no doubt that the most rapidly consumed devices, smartphones and tablets, are adding an integral value to an individual’s life. Be it communicating, browsing, banking, purchasing or navigating, smartphones have simplified every processes and are proving to be an essential companions for the people. However, the same devices are prone to have privacy and legal issues of the data stored in them. By creating innovative, high performance cloudbased technology, PrivacyCheq’s products solve these issues for a variety of multi-billion dollar industries, including mobile app and game publishers, regulated financial institutions, and large branded content providers.
In an interview with Insights success, Roy Smith, the CEO of PrivacyCheq shares his valuable insights on developing world-class technology solutions for privacy and legal problems created by the explosive growth of connected IoT devices, smartphones and tablets.
Below are highlights of the Interview:
What are the cutting-edge products/solutions offered by PrivacyCheq? 
The ConsentCheq service is a “full stack” consent management platform designed for large enterprises. A SME version of the platform called ConsentIQ targets small businesses that also have to comply with digital privacy laws.
With the escalating number of technology based solution providers, how is company name driving itself to create an impact on its customers?
Within the RegTech space, we are considered an “old” company because our tech has been deployed since June 2014. Most of the other companies in the space have been formed within the past 2 years and are just beta testing their solutions. The tech behind ConsentCheq is market proven and has been tested to massive scale (over 500 million API hits per day).
What are the challenges faced while providing the unique tech powered solution and how is PrivacyCheq serving to tackle them?
Because of the deep operational changes that the Privacy revolution requires companies to undertake, the market has been flooded with poorly engineered, partial solutions to the “big picture” goal – building privacy into all business operations. These half-baked solutions force the company to expend a lot of effort educating customers on their responsibilities under GDPR and showing how ConsentCheq is a complete solution, not a “band-aid”.
Where does PrivacyCheq see itself in the long run and what are its future goals? 
The ConsentCheq platform was designed to be used by a large audience of enterprises as a central portal where users can easily manage their privacy for most or all of the websites and apps that they interact with. For this to happen, we will need to create partnerships with existing pools of tens and hundreds of millions of users. This process is underway and will continue through 2019.
About the Leader 
Roy Smith is a seasoned software entrepreneur, with multiple exits to public companies, most recently selling a SaaS app development platform to Intel in 2013. Because of his familiarity with the mobile app business, Roy saw an upcoming opportunity when the US Congress revised its COPPA law in 2013, specifically adding many requirements to give parents control over the privacy of their children when they use mobile apps.
Roy has accumulated a rich experience of more than 35 years. In his leadership tenure, he has gained various accomplishments in the branding and marketing of superior new technologies poised to disrupt their market.
About the Company 
PrivacyCheq provides innovative cloud-based privacy enhancing technologies solutions for mobile and web. Its innovations power the new wave of privacy transparency by dramatically erasing the technical burden of user interaction compliance, delivering users an optimal user privacy management experience, building “digital trust.” Its cloud-based privacy compliance solutions are used by publishers and manufacturers worldwide to comply with new regulations that require users (data subjects) to have a full understanding and control over their private data.
PrivacyCheq’s solutions work seamlessly across all device types, accessed via web, mobile apps, telemarketing, email, text messaging, and even in physical locations. With a single integration, enterprises can offer ‘best of breed’ user experiences that comply with GDPR (EU), ePrivacy (Soon, EU), COPPA (US), CCPA (Soon, US), CASL (Canada), PIPEDA (Canada).
PrivacyCheq was the first company to create software-as-a-service tools for enterprises to streamline the task of clearly informing users how their private data will be used and  protected, as required by numerous new privacy laws all over the world. The new privacy laws like GDPR require fundamental operational changes and PrivacyCheq’s software dramatically eases these changes, while simultaneously documenting compliance for proof if requested by a regulatory body.
Source: The Next Generation Tech Disruptors