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Pipelinersales: A Valuable Sales Enablement Tool

The customer is usually the most valuable asset for any business. Hence, a business strategy that enables organizations to build long-lasting relationships with their customers is of utmost importance. Pipelinersales Inc., the parent company of Pipeliner CRM, is the next-generation CRM software that uses unique visual tools to help salespeople interact with and improve their sales pipeline. Pipeliner is all about sales. The company focuses on pipeline management, sales process and analytics and allows salespeople make educated and informed decisions about their business in real-time. It also delivers a unique experience from prospect to customer and on throughout the whole customer lifecycle – working in close partnership. Pipeliner thereby ensures a real impact for businesses that adopts it and each user that leverages it.
A Highly Configurable System 
One of the core strength of Pipeliner is that it is a highly configurable system. Unlike other systems that require programmers or external consultants to customize, Pipeliner provides drag and drop and other tools designed for nontechnical users. This allows the system to be adapted to whatever industry the customer operates in as well as to their specific sales processes. Indeed, the company provides customers with the ability to create multiple pipelines, each with their own distinct processes so customers can have processes for lead nurturing, new business development, account management, and any other process they need to systematize.
Pipeliner assists companies in reducing their revenue risk and helps them leverage opportunities. It aids them in becoming increasingly more effective and efficient in their processes by empowering their team members to sell and to manage sales better. By doing so, companies can reduce operating costs.
A Serial Entrepreneur 
Pipeliner is continuously evolving under the leadership of Nikolaus Kimla, Founder and CEO. He believes fervently that sales can be a force for good and change within society itself. As a follower of the principles of the Austrian School of Economics, Nikolaus believes that free and fair trade is the greatest engine for global peace and prosperity and that salespeople can be the vanguard of this movement. When people exchange goods and services in a fair and equitable manner creating win/win, enjoyable and an economically beneficial result for both parties, the conditions for peace and cooperation are created. By providing the best tool to help facilitate this process, Nikolaus is helping to change the world for the better.
A Vision that Led the Inception 
The leadership and strategic brains behind Pipeliner have come from sales and business backgrounds whether as Entrepreneurs, frontline salespeople or CEOs of global sales consulting companies. Each in their own way struggled in the past with CRM systems that were not designed with the reality of salespeople and sales management in mind. This is what united them in the vision to create a CRM that would enable salespeople to sell more effectively while delivering all of the insights and intelligence needed by sales management and executive leadership to run their business.
To create an effective CRM required many years of investment of time, resources and money to bring to reality. In that time, Pipeliner witnessed that many other solutions have been rushed to market that lack the same quality and depth that Pipeliner CRM possesses. Staying true to its goal of creating the world’s most effective tool for sales has been the company’s greatest achievement. Pipeliner never took shortcuts, compromised on their principles or short-changed its users.
One Step Ahead of the Competition 
Pipeliner applies cybernetic principles within its CRM to assist people in sales and business in squarely facing up and dealing with today’s complexity. This is why Pipeliner is completely visual in nature and thereby translates complexity to simplicity. Cybernetics is not only evident in Pipeliner’s visual user interface, but also the whole concept of navigation. Its unified navigation concept allows the user to navigate rapidly and easily through the application. This is the reason that makes Pipeliner the only CRM that delivers Real Dynamic Instant Visualization.
Cybernetics, the science of simplification, is applied in many ways. Many companies complain that a CRM application takes long time to implement. Pipeliner has simplified CRM implementation to the point that it can be done in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost of other CRM applications. The uniqueness of its design comes out of a powerful combination of visual aesthetics and extremely fast functionality. The core concept is that a picture communicates 60,000 times faster than text, and Pipeliner has visualized almost everything.
Upcoming Endeavors 
Pipeliner aims to create a global sales community. A community where anyone with an interest for sales can come together with likeminded people to exchange knowledge, ideas, and services both locally and globally, virtually and in-person to deliver on the vision of trade and sales as a driving force for global peace and prosperity. It does not see itself in the future solely as a CRM provider but rather, in conjunction with Sales POP, its online sales magazine, and Go Ahead! its in-person meeting and networking platform, as the global platform for all things sales.
Customers Expressing their Satisfaction 
“The clarity of data and how easily visible it is has made a huge difference in our process. It’s much easier to target key opportunities, instead of trying to sort through tables and tables of data. The visual representation was probably the biggest selling point for Pipeliner as far as I was concerned.”- Imran Jaferey, Vice President- Global Sales, Headworks International
“At the beginning of 2016 we made a goal to increase sales by 20 percent, which is a large increase for our business. As of December 1st we are at 95 percent of that lofty goal with 31 days left to go. We really owe it to Pipeliner for helping us get to where we are now.” – Luke Wittenbraker, Sales and Marketing Director, Mactech On-Site.
Source: The 10 Most Disruptive CRM Solution Providers 2018