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North 6th Agency Embracing the Pace Since Inception

North 6th Agency, Inc. (N6A) is an award-winning brand communications and social media agency based in the heart of SoHo in New York City and Toronto’s financial district. Its client roster includes emerging, mid-sized and enterprise brands from more than 30 industries. Every part of the organization’s customer service approach is rooted in speed, efficiency, and making sure it never misses a beat for its clients.
The top-notch customer service, measurable results and team collaboration are a few examples of how the organization “Embraces the Pace” for its clients in today’s fast-paced, non-stop media environment. Working across 30 industries, N6A’s Embrace the Pace approach has proven to be effective no matter the industry, location or size of the client.
An Influential Leader 
Matt Rizzetta has served as CEO since N6A’s inception. Under his leadership, N6A has been ranked as the fastest-growing agency in the United States in its revenue category by O’Dwyers, as well as one of the 50 most powerful agencies in the United States by the Observer.
Matt has been instrumental in creating N6A’s Compete and Care culture and Embrace the Pace atmosphere, which have been lauded as the most rewarding, collaborative and unique in the agency world by Forbes,, New York Post, Chief Learning Office Magazine, Entrepreneur, and others. Matt serves on the Alumni Board of Directors at his alma mater Iona College, and resides in Westchester County, NY, with his wife and three daughters.
Embracing the Pace 
N6A’s Embrace the Pace atmosphere defines the way in which its employees work quickly and strategically to deliver the optimal results that clients deserve. Every part of N6A’s customer service approach is rooted in speed, efficiency, and makes sure that it never misses a beat for the clients. The organization’s top-notch customer service, measurable results and team collaboration are a few examples of how it embraces the pace for its clients in today’s fastpaced, non-stop media environment.
As a full-service public relations and social media agency, N6A connects its clients to the audiences that matter the most, whether it’s via traditional media, broadcast media, trade media, analysts, or social media. The company believes that the clients’ goals are its goals, which is why N6A prefers to take a data-centric approach when it comes to customer service. The organization’s proprietary 6PA dashboard, a digitally interactive platform for clients, offers full transparency on its performance, results, KPI tracking, and other key outcomes that the clients care about. N6A even asks its clients to provide feedback each month, creating full alignment between the success of the team and the success of the client’s business.
A Distinctive Organization 
N6A’s company culture embodies an employee-first mindset, focusing on appreciation, recognition, reward and collaboration in order to ensure that employee engagement, productivity, morale and overall happiness is always present. Much of its culture revolves around individual, group and team achievements, always abiding by the concept that employees should be rewarded and recognized for their success.
Understanding that there is no one size fits all approach, N6A strives to create a culture of recognition that is customized to the individual employee, customizing value driven programs that speak to each employee as individuals. N6A’s systems promote the utmost transparency in the workplace while creating an open, collaborative environment for honest communication, performance awareness and recognition in order to keep employees engaged and productive.
Tackling Adversities 
N6A opened its doors just under a decade ago. At first it was tough for the organization to recruit top-notch talent and clients when it lacked an established track record. However, the organization was fortunate that some clients and employees early on made a bet on N6A, believing in it when few others would. This helped lay the foundation for what it has become today. To overcome initial challenges, the company has always been laser focused on creating rather than copying.
N6A has always been committed to coming up with innovative programs and assets that are unique to N6A and help it stand out from others. This helped the organization to attract talent and clients in the early days – everything from experimenting with employee rewards programs that went way beyond standard programs, to creating measurement systems for the customers. These are programs that have been a part of the fabric of N6A since its early days, and helped the organization to overcome initial struggles before it was seen as a well-established brand in our industry.
Feedback and self-improvement have always been an important part of the organization’s culture. Even back when it was small and unproven, N6A always tried to listen, solicit feedback, and learn from any mistakes it made. The company’s business is nothing more than nine years of learning and getting better from any missteps along the way.
Envisioning the Future 
At a basic level, N6A wants to keep getting better for its employees and its customers every day. Improvement is the name of the game, and N6A will continue to focus relentlessly on making the work experience as warm and rewarding as possible for its employees, and as impactful as possible for the customers.
Specifically, the company will look to expand its footprint globally with an eye toward emerging geographic markets and enhancing its service suite in service categories that are complementary to it’s current core service offerings (PR/Media, Social, Design). Innovation will continue to be at the core of N6A’s plans in the years ahead it will continue to look to innovate and improve on programs that it has already created for its employees and customers.
Source :-The 10 Most Creative PR Agencies 2018