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Minimize Risk of Digital Transformation Failure

One of the greatest agonies in test automation is the time and effort spent to continue testing what has been developed. The simpler and the more straight-forward the mobile applications look to the customer, the more complex they are in the background. As the number of mobile platforms and devices increases, enterprises need to provide their developers with an effective way to test across the platforms — testing fast, verifying the code quickly.
Why is it so important? Because continuous digital transformation is an inevitable part of growing the business. Often more than 60% of customer interactions happen through the smartphones. What is the number like in your business? Anyway, an effective mobile testing needs to be in place to accomplish a successful and smooth delivery on Digital Transformation promise and to avoid loss of money and prestige. Every kind of transformation project comes across a certain resistance; a mobile application delivered with no issues will minimize this resistance.
Better Application through Continuous Testing
Most of our customers in Continuous Software are switching to agile project delivery in order to rapidly evaluate and provide for the internal and external demands. The traditional test processes, which are done at the end phase of a project, remain insufficient for the agile management. For better quality and a rapid outcome, testing and development have to be a continuous process of DevOps course. Thanks to testing automation scripts throughout the whole development process, software and applications can be tested before going through end-user tests with the minimum amount of problems.
One of the key trends in the market is the increase in native application development, which enables the usage of mobile devices in a broader spectrum. With the increasing demand towards more complex, stronger functionalities and interface, the responsive design techniques are outdated. To provide an optimum result for mobile testing, conducting the tests with actual devices, a device lab, has a large importance. The problem here is how the manual testers and test automation systems will share devices. This is solved by creating a mobile device lab according to producers, models and operating systems.
Renting a device lab on a cloud, uploading your scripts and running your tests in a parallel execution costs you the serious amount of money. We couldn’t ignore the fact that this method makes our customers’ apps less profitable every minute. If you create an actual device lab by purchasing every kind of smartphones out there, you still need a web interface to run all those scenarios and scripts to manage your mobile device lab.
Continuous Software developed an interface, where you can run your scripts on different devices with its own cloud device lab, observe text execution and integrate with source control systems. You can use it with your own mobile device server, or you can connect your device to your mobile lab with client integrations. As a result, you’ll be able to observe your text execution in real time with detailed results, clickable stack trace exceptions, and screenshots, and see how much of the resources (CPU, Memory, System Logs) your app consumes. No matter which language your scripts were written or no matter which tool was used to write them, by integrating with open source automation servers this interface allows you to include mobile testing to your continuous DevOps process.
Continuous Software
Our first business line is application testing. Today we offer a wide range of services such as Manual Sourcing, Test Automation, Performance Testing, Security Testing, Service and Network Virtualization and Mobile Application Testing and Mobile Device Lab Management. Our philosophy lies in the successful implementation of test automation frameworks, enabling the rapid creation of test automation scripts that are stable and easily maintainable. Our scalable test automation framework optimizes every level of application from network to code- speeding up the execution and reducing test maintenance.
Our success comes from working together with organizations to optimize every level of application- from the network to the code. We have solved the complexities of software testing through our unique solutions and helped a multitude of enterprises in accomplishing desired results. We believe our Mobile Device Lab will be a game changer in the industry.
Case studies
One of Top 5 Banks in Turkey
This bank has decided to make a transformation project with Mckenzie. Part of the transformation project they found out that one of the biggest bottlenecks is Software testing. As they were planning to use Agile project management approach within this initiative; testing was becoming even more critical for the success of the project. That is why they have decided to implement Test Improvement Project. They have identified 5 areas and Continuous Software has been involved in all these five workgroups which are Functional Test Automation, Performance/Load Testing, Service Virtualization, Test Environment Management and Test Data Management. The project scope covered core banking, alternative channels, international banking and credit cards application suites, they all are in-house developed application based on Java, .NET and IBM Mainframe. This was a teamwork, which we have worked together with the bank’s testing team. The development team has also participated in the project when it was needed. We have identified sample applications, designed processes, decided on technologies that will be used and finally implemented the best practice within sample applications to prove the solution. We have guided the bank’s team and prepared documentation for them to continue after the project has been finalized. During the project we have used HPE UFT, HPE LoadRunner, IBM Service Virtualization, CA Test Data Management and HPE Codar and OO solutions for respective areas.
One of the Top 10 International Banks
Entered to Turkey by acquiring an old bank, which was not able to invest in IT for a long time. After the acquisition, they have been audited by the BDDK (Banking Regulation Authority) and BDDK gave them a deadline to resolve their compliance issues. Within a very limited timeframe to implement an end to end automated DevOps process which starts from demand collection till deployment of the applications to the production environment. The solution had to be fully automated, no human interaction other than development of the application and be traceable on each level of the process. Continuous Software delivered end-to-end DevOps project to make sure to have a complete process from demand to production deployment. Created five different pipelines for core baking (oracle forms), alternative channels (java), credit cards (.NET) and ATMs (.NET). Jenkins, SVN, Nexus, HPE Codar, HPE ALM, HPE UFT, HP PM, HP SM are implemented in project scope. Thanks to Continuous Software, this bank passed the audit successfully and avoided to pay a big amount of penalty.
Levent Ozalp is a serial entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO of OPTiiM. He created 3 startups in Turkey, 1 in Ireland and 1 in UK from military tech to system integration. Having launched Continuous Software now boasts 100+ employees and customers all over Turkey, Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
Hakan Turgut is the Continuous Software Chairman. His 30 years career span took him to executive positions in IBM, CA and Nortel. He brings maturity and wisdom to the team.