Property owners want improved air quality that is free of all pollutants, contaminants, and allergens.
However, even with an air cleaner, the property owners need to test their air frequently to ensure the cleaner is working appropriately. Homeowners who want to check their air quality in their living spaces follow 5 simple steps.
- Install Air Quality Assessment Equipment
Installing air quality assessment equipment helps property owners evaluate their air quality. Once the system is plugged in, it starts checking the air quality and displays what type of impurities are found in the air. The property owner takes action according to what impurities the system detects.
The systems don’t take much to set up, and most homeowners can handle the task on their own. Select systems allow the homeowner to collect information, such as the percentage of the pollutant in the air. Property owners who want a more in-depth detailed air quality assessment start by choosing now
- Test for Mold
Testing for mold is vital for all homeowners and helps them determine if there is mold in their homes. Mold can be toxic and lead to severe respiratory illnesses, and some types of black mold could produce life-threatening effects. The findings from the testing determine what species of mold is in the home and how to treat it properly.
EPA regulations require homeowners to follow specific safety protocol when removing and treating mold. Professional services and remediation are necessary to manage the mold properly.
- Use Air Quality Assessment Kits
Using air quality assessment kits allows property owners to get samples from the a-i-r and send them to a lab for professional testing. The kits come with a sampling pump with explicit instructions that explain how to use the equipment to get the sample. The tests help the property owner find out if they have any lead, formaldehyde, asbestos, or volatile organic compounds, such as radon. The lab sends the test results to the property owner’s home.
- Use a Radon Testing Kit
Using a radon testing kit shows the property owner if they have any of the radioactive gas around or in their home. Property owners have two options for testing for radon. They could use a digital monitor that gives immediate results, or the owner could use a sample kit that requires a lab to test the sample.
Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is often found in the soil underneath residential properties. It can cause lung cancer if it is inhaled at dangerous levels. By detecting the gas, the property owner can follow the necessary steps for protecting themselves and their families and lower their risks of lung cancer.
- Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector
Installing a carbon monoxide detecto helps property owners determine if they have the poisonous gas leaking into their homes. Typically, the detectors are installed near a gas furnace or heater for faster detection of the gas. Carbon monoxide detectors can save lives and prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
Property owners choose from a variety of equipment and testing options for testing their a-i-r quality. The tests determine if the property has any contaminants, such as mold and radon. Detectors and testing kits give property owners an opportunity to find any contaminants and take appropriate actions. Homeowners who take action according to their test results increase the safety of their family and lower health risks.
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