Using a phone might be difficult for somebody who is blind or visually impaired. Fortunately, there are methods to make a phone call even if you are blind, and policies are in place to guarantee that people with impairments have the same accessibility to telecommunications services as everyone else has. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 provided universal accessibility in the United States. The blind and visually disabled can use a phone just like every other blind person if they follow a few simple instructions.
Choosing a Telephone
1. Consider a talking phone.
Opt for a phone that responds to your voice commands. For the visually impaired and the blind, a voice-activated phone enables them to make phone calls by just stating the number or person’s name on the telephone.
- Set up the telephone to recognize your voice and identify the people you’d want to contact before you start making calls.
- Voice recognition and audio-based routing are features that are available on the majority of current smartphones. This information may be found by exploring the accessibility settings on your phone.
- Try a telephone with jumbo numbers.
Try a phone with jumbo numbers or digits. Consider purchasing a phone with huge, oversized numerals and print that stands out for persons who are visually challenged. [1] Invest in a black phone with white numerals so that the digits are easier to see. Additionally, there are jumbo-number smartphones for the visually impaired as well.
- Get a voice-activated phone.
Take, for example, a talking telephone. It is possible to hear the keypad while dialing digits, caller ID, and other keypad functions on a talking phone. It will also announce who you’re calling out loud. A wireless talking phone that talks loudly and clearly is the best option for those who have trouble hearing. Getting a braille-enabled talking phone may also make it easier for you to make phone calls.
Dialing on a Phone
1. Get to know the layout.
Learn the layout of the place. There are four rows on most phone keypads. There are four rows of numbers on your phone, each with three buttons. In the first row are the numbers 1-3, the second row are the numbers 4-6, the third row are the numbers 7-9, and in the final row are the star symbol (*), the pound sign (#), and the zero.
2. Know to reach and push the numbers.
Take the necessary steps to accomplish and exceed your goals. Place your middle finger on number 5 to learn about the “home row” position. The second row (numbers 4-6) is a good starting point. This makes dialing simpler. To avoid entering the erroneous number, always put your fingers in the “home row” position before moving on to the next one.
3. Practice touch dialing.
Work on your touch dialing. To become used to the phone’s keypad, practice touch dialing so that you can call with confidence. When dialing a number, use the middle, index, and ring fingers of your non-telephone-holding hand.
Using a Smartphone
Apps for blind and visually impaired individuals may be found on many smartphones, allowing them to call, text, and do other helpful functions. Many of the options are discussed here, but there are many more.
1. Try the Android apps.
Try out the Android applications. Google’s Android is a smartphone operating system. Apps for blind and visually impaired persons are available for Android smartphones in a wide range of categories, including phone calls, messaging, email, and more. You might also think about:
· Talkback:
Android Accessibility Services include Talkback, a free app that may be used by people with disabilities. [9] This programme lets the visually handicapped hear what they are doing with their phones, such as selecting an item, reading text loudly, and pronouncing each action. This software narrates every move you make on your phone. Make sure you’re using the TalkBack service by enabling it in Settings > Accessibility.
· WalkyTalky:
Without the ability to see, it is very difficult to navigate and travel. Blind and visually impaired people may use WalkyTalky to discover their location and you can use it to find your destination.
· Magnify:
Magnify is a digital magnifying that makes it easier to view things and texts that are too far away or too tiny to see with the naked eye. Magnify makes it possible to view things more clearly by adjusting the lighting and zooming in and out.
2. Try the Apple apps.
Many applications and features have been developed by Apple and other developers to assist those who are blind or visually impaired in their everyday lives. Here are a few examples:
· VoiceOver
For those who are blind or visually impaired, VoiceOver is a convenient app to have on their phone. Texting, clicking an app, and phoning a buddy are all spoken aloud in this app. [12]
· Color ID
For example, if you want to know whether the bananas are ripe, what color your clothing is, or if the yoghurt is spoiled, you may use Color ID Free.
· LookTel Money Reader
You may use the Apple software LookTel Money Reader to find out the amount of your bill. With no vision, it’s impossible to tell if you’re dealing with a five- or ten-dollar note without depending on another person. Other currencies recognized by this app in addition to the US Dollar are the Australian Dollar and Bahraini Dinar in addition to the British Pound and Canadian Dollar as well as the Euro.
New Android smartphones are really life-changing for those who are blind or visually challenged. Creative innovations like screen readers and accessibility offering more help for the visually impaired has begun to emerge as a result of their interest in advanced technologies.