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How to promote your business on social media

Social Media

The business world has changed in recent times, as more and more corporations join the online revolution and tap into what can be a completely different market for some. From there, communities are formed, analytics are recorded, and customers are hopefully won over. It can be a highly effective strategy for business, that’s for sure.
Social media is the most popular tool for businesses to tap into, mainly because the vast majority of people have at least one social media account, therefore giving businesses the opportunity to reach more people than other, more traditional ways of advertising might. There’s an array of different companies on social media too, from casino brands promoting games like Starburst slots featuring 5 reels, 3 rows and 10 paylines to travel brands trying to tempt you into the latest five-star holiday, alongside sports brands, musicians, and health and fitness organisations. If your business isn’t on social media in 2020, then it probably needs to be, essentially.
Entering the world of social media doesn’t always go to plan for a business, though. It needs to be done correctly. So, to make sure you promote your business effectively on social media, here are some helpful tips to help you on your way.
Choose the right platform
There are an array of social media platforms to choose from, with the likes of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook being the most popular for business. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean those platforms will be suitable for your business specifically. Assess your target audience, and whether or not they would be using the platform, you’re considering joining. Also, consider the best option for your company and its message. For example, if you’re keen to share a lot of promotional videos and interviews with company leaders, then Twitter probably isn’t the best choice, whereas YouTube might be.
Create a content calendar
Creating a content calendar will not only enable you to be more organised with your social media posts, but it will potentially give you the chance to come up with more creative and original content too. Scrambling to create a last-minute post is never good practice, especially as it tends to highlight a lack of organisation.
A social content calendar will enable you to have a structure of when you’re posting and what you’re posting, all by simply planning your posts in advance and having the relevant images, hashtags and the like all ready, and good to go.
Don’t spam
Promoting your business on social media is necessary, but not too much. There’s nothing worse than following an organisation on Twitter only to be inundated with the same old Tweets, usually promoting the same old service or product. Mix it up and create unique content people want to see. Try adopting the one-in-seven rule too, where social media managers essentially aim to post one promotional post in seven.
Encourage engagement
It’s in the name, but social media is all about creating social content and sparking conversion, and eventually forming an online community in the process. It should, therefore, obviously be social, and your social media account should be too. Post content people want to read, alongside content that will encourage engagement. Perhaps a quiz or a caption competition might work, or maybe try commenting on other peoples’ posts or ask questions to people.
Share video
Video content is highly effective on social media, mainly because it grabs people’s attention for the few seconds they might be online. It stands out more than a worded post, that’s for sure. Create interesting, narrative-driven video and, if done correctly, your business will reap the rewards.