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How to Craft Competitive Content: 7 Handy Tips and Tricks

There is a small but a significant difference between creating content and crafting content, which can be seen especially when you target search engine traffic. Content marketers know that the tough competition in highly optimized content for specific keywords may outrank their content from search engine results in no time. In order to write something, good and unique is necessary, but not sufficient. Quality content can perform ten times better than the competitors’ content in the eyes of search engines. So, the point is to not only craft content cleverly, but also make it more competitive.
Here are some sharp tips that can help you get the ranking of your content higher in the search results:
Make the URL Shorter
The URL or Uniform Resource Locater that appears in the top ranks often has an average of 50 characters or less. Longer the URLs, lesser the ranking priority by search engines. It is necessary in order to be easily discoverable; it is kept simple and easy to remember as well.
Adding Content that Differs from Others
Interactive content converts two times better than static. This is because most of the people who use the web are visual people. The different kinds of images or videos related to the content on the website will make it look more attractive and draw more attention to it. You can include graphics, animations, interactive elements and anything creative. This also makes it prone to more visibility as people also search for images on the internet and this search can lead to them towards your website as well.
Interesting and Simple Titles – Make them a Priority
The title is the most important differentiating factor that the user notices on a website. Hence there is a need to think of a unique yet discoverable title. By using the appropriate keywords, in many search results by using the appropriate keywords, you can give the user a reason to click on your content. It is also necessary to make sure that the title isn’t too complicated. While searching for something on the web, people use simple terms. Hence in order for your website to rank on the top, it is necessary to use common words and also keywords. This will ensure that the click-through rate rises to a 0.67 correlation with ranking. The average number given for a well-made website is 1 % and above.
Keeping the Content Simple and Informative
When people usually read any kind of content online, they look for something simple, interesting and creative. Making sure that your content contains fewer jargons helps improve readability. The average Flesch Readability Score of top ranking content is 76.6, which is easily understood by 13–15–years–olds.
Structuring the Words and Fonts in a Better Way
When searching for something online, people want content that is easy to understand. The vast variety of content on different websites can cause a bit of confusion. But implementing a variety of words gives the content a push to the top. Another thing that can bring a piece of writing up to the top of search results 78% of the time is the bullet list. A lot of people look for lists pertaining to the latest music, new books to read or new products that have been launched. For this, a bullet list can help in giving a quicker link to your content. Search engine crawlers always identify and give priority to well-structured content.
Apart from this, you need to keep in mind that bigger fonts are better at gathering attention. Headings, font types and font size matter as these things make content look more effective and more shareable. On average, top ranking web pages have a font of at least 16 px font.
Source professional photos
Using high-quality images, articles get more shares. There are lots of online stocks of photos to get the appropriate one for your article. Visually pleasing content is always preferred by users. The images used must always be related to the article and convey what speak of.
On average, a top ranking article has 9 images. You should include an image every 75-100 words and making sure that it is a tall one will gain more views. Top ranking pages have 12,000 pins, and 800 px tall images get 575 more pins than average. A tall image (such as an infographic) makes it easier for link building as well.
Link out
Websites ranking at number 1 link out 50% more than those ranked at number 10. Also, if you mention a few people in the post, it can increase shares a few times. Sharing the links on various other mediums such as other social media websites will help in bringing in more readers onto the website as well as towards the content. It is also necessary to include backlinks throughout the website so that the reader can find other information related to their search result as well. They will then stay on your website longer keeping the traffic in check.
Making your article/post more shareable, more linkable, and longer is truly beneficial. You also need to ensure that you share it on social media at the optimal times and market over other websites in your niche. This way you will certainly see the difference in the search engine ranking of your valuable content making it more competitive and gaining the position of a front-runner.

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