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Gurtam: Sweeping The Fleet Management Service off its Feet

Improving operational efficiency is an important operational process for all enterprises. However, recent innovations in Internet of Things (IoT) are taking this process to a whole new level. Companies are looking to integrate new features such as GPS sensors and mobile phones, mobile applications and steaming cameras, to save costs and add a layer of unparalleled efficiency. This new revolution in operational efficiency is the new order of the day as more and more companies realize that business culture requires transparency, factual evidence, accountability and ultimately reliable results in communication in all processes. Conversely, companies who fail to follow the path of introspecting and responding to their process inadequacies risk losing everything in the long run.
One company that specializes in optimizing operational efficiency for its clients is Gurtam. The company specializes in providing software solutions for fleet management. As mentioned earlier, communication in corporate culture thrives on transparency and result-oriented process; but nowhere more so than in the field of transportation. The process of transporting goods from A to B involves relying on a journey, which is riddled with a bundle of complications and uncertainties. Gurtam solves the riddles posed by transportation through a unique fleet management solution and tracking via advanced monitoring system.
Gurtam is a multinational company with offices in Belarus, Russia, US, UAE and Argentina. The company works with more than 1,000 partner firms and employs more than 170 employees.
The Initial War of Challenges Fought with Willpower
“15 years ago we were an outsourcing development company. There were three of us – me, my father and my cousin. We had the only customer from Holland and spent evenings playing Counter-Strike. That’s where we got acquainted with guys from Specialty Hardware Dept. of Atlant Motors, a Volkswagen dealer in Minsk. Being a prototype of a modern integrator they were implementing a project in the area of satellite monitoring services. They had devices but also had difficulties with software development. As the team was progressing they offered us to create a tracking system according to their technical requirements”, – says Aliaksei Shchurko, CEO.
Building the tracking system at the time was very difficult as the project funding was insufficient to cover the costs; however, the founders still went ahead with their gut instinct and accomplished the feat of creating a world-class fleet management system. Once the system was built—the founding team contacted several companies who had a use for their services and managed to get several more clients on board to give birth to their dreams of building an outstanding product-based company.
Chemistry of Innovation With Costs
Gurtam delivers its flagship fleet management system named ‘Wialon’. The GPS tracking platform has both a web-based SaaS version and a server one. The platform supports several features such as mapping, geofencing, monitoring of fuel consumption and vehicle electronic systems, sensors data collection and additional tools for monitoring of driving behaviour.
Gurtam prides itself on being the company that has revolutionized the fleet management services in ways similar to Chinese manufacturing has for the world. China, today, is a home to some great quality products like Apple and has brought their costs down to drive corporate profits to a record high. Gurtam has brought a similar revolution in the world of fleet management today. This has set the company apart from competitors and has helped it to climb the corporate ladder at a lightning speed. Gurtam serves some giant names in the corporate world including Shell, Gazprom, Lukoil, Rosneft, etc.
Gurtam Technology in Action
Gurtam monitoring system and its competitive pricing policy are changing the way fleet management services run in more ways than one. In order to understand the true impact of Gurtam software products, it is important to understand how its technology is applied in practice. Gurtam partner, i.e. integrator, installs a tracker in a vehicle which is connected to Wialon,  Gurtam GPS tracking system,  via a number of satellites. This tracker communicates with Gurtam data servers constantly sending there all necessary information and receiving different commands. Wialon then records, analyzes and prepares reports to turn the information into practical insights, which are applicable for the purpose of improving operational efficiency in all possible ways. Today, Gurtam tracks over 1,300,000 vehicles and provides its clients with a server as well as SaaS-based services along with 24/7 technical support.
Wialon is currently being used in more than 130 countries around the world. The best example of their delivery in action can be found by studying GPS tracking system for an ice-cream selling business based in Sri Lanka. Gurtam’s Wialon tracking system was implemented in the workflow of a big ice-cream manufacturer in Sri Lanka. The island nation is home to the tropical climate, which rarely experiences temperature below 30°. Hence, to transport ice-cream on a regular basis with the help of a large untrained force of drivers poses a big risk.
Kloudip, a telematics service provider from Sri Lanka, used Wialon tracking system to assure the giant ice-cream manufacturer with real-time monitoring and online notification system. The system provided a full-proof workflow, where the internal temperature of each commercial vehicle was monitored separately and its condition was reported through a live messaging system to keep a watchful eye on the cargo. The results were predictable and proved to be a comprehensive victory for the ice-cream manufacturer. The company reported 60% savings as they rarely reported a case of discarded ice-cream cargo due to a mishap with the temperature. Additionally, the company saved another 35% in labor and fuel costs as due to the live monitoring system, the company employees no longer had to visit sites and rerun cargos. Today, Gurtam technology helps control more than 50 reefer containers for the company to provide a sigh of relief for everyone involved.
Leadership, The Gurtam Way
The leadership of each successful enterprise has a lot of lessons that are often unspoken. The leadership of Gurtam and their successful journey speaks of such lessons every day. Aliaksei Shchurko, the CEO & Co-founder of Gurtam made some tough decisions during the initial founding of Gurtam which has set the tone for the company. During his initial days, he was offered a full-time position as a software developer at 3000 dollars salary. He faced an uncertain future during those days and relied on a meagre and uncertain income of 800 dollars every month. However, he took the tougher road to make way for his dreams and this is what has set Gurtam apart from its competitors.
Gurtam leads with innovation as it understands that the core of their existence is built on providing value to their clients and going the extra mile to treat them even as partners for a successful relationship. For example, Gurtam developed Belarus map before the Google Maps stormed the online scene and captured everyone’s imagination. After they set up Gurtam maps project, they received a call from Google offering to buy their innovative solution. Aliaksei believes in doing everything by yourself and leads the company with absolute faith in principles built upon creativity and sacrifice. Such successful journeys are often unspoken because if they were put into words – they would leave the wanders speechless.
When Vision Meets Knowledge on the Right Path
Gurtam envisions a business world where all commercial assets serve the very purpose they were designed for. This includes providing the business assets with proper management support through tracking to increase the longevity of an asset. It also means the company wishes to bring down operational costs to their minimum through live monitoring like the ones they have employed to help several of their clients. The company is at the helm of fleet service innovation with an aim to track light and heavy commercial vehicles including private cars, motorcycles, public transportation and public service vehicles. The company extends their services to stationary assets such as diesel generators and real estate. Today, the company’s cloud-based and server based Wialon solutions track over 1.3 million vehicles to run the business world more efficiently.
The company is focused on the B2B market. Gurtam currently tracks 36% of fleet at the Russian market. The company has chosen to focus on innovation while keeping the direct selling activities limited to large clients.
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Source :-The 10 Most Innovative Fleet Management Solution Providers 2017