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Cloud Traffic to Quadruple by 2020: CISCO Report

According to CISCO’s Global Cloud Index, the Cloud traffic is to rise 3.7 fold from 4ZB (approx) per year in 2015 to 14.1ZB per year by 2020. It has been reported by CISCO that the increase in Cloud traffic is due to increased migration to cloud architectures as they are capable of handling more workloads than traditional data centres.
CISCO further reported that there is a prediction that business workload will grow by 2.4 fold from 2015 to 2020, but on the contrary, the overall share of the workload will decrease from 79% to 72% and on the other hand consumer workload will increase by 3.5 fold.
The maximum percentage of the workload will be contributed by Video Streaming, it would contribute 34 of the total consumer workload by 2020 compared to 29%  in 2015
Doug Webster-Vice President of Service Provider Marketing of CISCO revealed that “In this six years of study, Cloud Computing has advanced from an emerging technology to an essential, scalable and flexible part of the architecture for service providers all around the globe. He also added that public cloud is growing faster than private cloud and this would constitute 68% of the total cloud workloads.
Taking Software Defined Networking(SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization(NFV) into consideration the report pointed out that this technology will help to flatten data center architectures and streamline traffic flows in the future.