Read more about the article Erna Grasz: Cultivating an Educated, Resilient, and Empowered World
Erna Grasz | Co-founder & CEO | Asante Africa Foundation

Erna Grasz: Cultivating an Educated, Resilient, and Empowered World

Today’s era has witnessed major developments in gender equality. Women and men are working shoulder to shoulder in almost every industry. Women are playing major roles in transforming businesses and…

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Read more about the article Caroline Barelle: An Ingenious Leader with a Vision of Delivering Novel Drugs to Patients
Dr. Caroline Barelle | CEO | Elasmogen

Caroline Barelle: An Ingenious Leader with a Vision of Delivering Novel Drugs to Patients

Many times people suffer from some self-generated disease which might lead to some serious health issues. Inflammation is one such self-generated defense mechanism that still remains one of the untouched…

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Read more about the article Diana Williams: An Authentic & Creative Thinker Driving a Holistic Wellness Experience
Diana Williams | Founder & Managing Director | Fernwood Fitness

Diana Williams: An Authentic & Creative Thinker Driving a Holistic Wellness Experience

An entrepreneurial spirit is innately nurtured and developed through continuous self-development along with simultaneous growth in the business. With calculated risks and a sprinkle of faith, most challenges can be…

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Read more about the article Julia Hunter: Voyaging the New Horizons of Space-based Research and Travel
Julia Hunter | Senior Vice President | Virgin Galactic

Julia Hunter: Voyaging the New Horizons of Space-based Research and Travel

The endless space has always enticed us humans, with endless possibilities and opportunities. The mere thought that there might be people like us or different from us sharing this universe,…

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Read more about the article Dr. Celeste Fralick: Pursuing her Passion for Data with Perseverance
Celeste Fralick | Chief Data Scientist & Senior Principal Engineer | McAfee

Dr. Celeste Fralick: Pursuing her Passion for Data with Perseverance

Long before Data became the gold that it is today, there were people who were trying to mine it, process it and transform it into comprehensible content. It is their…

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Read more about the article Marina Tognetti: An Inspired Entrepreneur Driven by Innovation
Marina Tognetti | Founder and CEO | mYngle

Marina Tognetti: An Inspired Entrepreneur Driven by Innovation

If you look closely, you’ll find many similarities between athletes of extreme sports and entrepreneurs. They both are passionate about what they love i. e. sports and a business idea…

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