Read more about the article Meagan Gallman: Making the Stylist Inside You Future Ready
Meagan Gallman, Salon Owner, Master Colorist, Artistic Educator, Guest Writer, The Magnolia Parlor

Meagan Gallman: Making the Stylist Inside You Future Ready

Dive a few years into the past, and you’ll notice when social media mainly existed for entertainment purposes and was not as business-driven as it is today. However, the waves…

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Read more about the article Mariam Nusrat: Unleashing the Power of No-code to Transform Interactive Content Creation
Mariam Nusrat, Founder and CEO, GRID

Mariam Nusrat: Unleashing the Power of No-code to Transform Interactive Content Creation

From games like snake, space impact to games like angry birds and Player Unknown’s Battleground (PUBG), we have witnessed a drastic transformation in the gaming industry. Studies reveal that the…

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