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Adeel Zaidi | Chief Executive Officer & Chairman | BullseyeEngagement LLC.

Bullseye Engagement: Offering Disruptive Solutions to Elevate Employee Engagement

Businesses historically have struggled to address lackluster employee engagement, which has been amply documented by any number of surveys. A host of commonly recommended remedial measures has largely failed to move the needle, and knowledgeable leaders now realize that technology alone is not enough in any strategy to address the employee engagement conundrum efficiently and economically. Technology must be applied and coupled with an intuitive and disruptive approach to drive adoption.
BullseyeEngagement has developed a suite of human capital development solutions that, at their core, are designed to engage employees in any organization. At first glance, Bullseye’s solutions may seem similar to offerings from other providers; however, a peek under the cover quickly reveals that the Bullseye solutions are developed from a perspective of keeping user interfaces simple and intuitive. Bullseye’s unique approach is what makes its platform disruptive compared to other software in the HCM space. Viewers immediately see that transparency, communication and employee empowerment are ingrained in every Bullseye solution, which are collectively branded as the Talent Development Portal (TDP). Unlike other software offerings that are fundamentally ERP, payroll or HRIS solutions with some added HCM features, the Bullseye TDP is a comprehensive set of solutions created specifically to facilitate an organization’s engagement and talent development initiatives.
Simple, Intuitive and Engaging Solutions 
Each of the solutions in Bullseye’s Talent Development Portal is designed to emphasize ease of use, thereby minimizing user resistance, which is one of the principal drawbacks of the large, transactionally-oriented providers. As workforces evolve to a younger demographic, expectations for receiving performance feedback also change. Annual or semi-annual reviews no longer suffice; rather, the millennial workforce expects more frequent feedback, often in an informal setting. Solutions such as Bullseye’s check-ins and recognition and rewards allow organizations to easily provide and archive meaningful feedback to employees throughout their tenure. With frequent, two-way communication, employee concerns are addressed promptly, performance issues can be dealt with quickly, and managers can acknowledge top performers. And all of Bullseye’s solutions are readily accessible on mobile devices, so users can engage with the solutions at the touch of a fingertip, wherever they are. The payoff to management of simple, frequent communication: more engaged employees and less turnover.
A Visionary Leader 
A decade ago, employees didn’t have a platform that encouraged them to raise issues that managers were obligated to answer. “If you had a suggestion or an issue, you could write a note and drop it in the suggestion box; if you were lucky, you might get an answer,” says Adeel Zaidi, Founder and CEO of BullseyeEngagement. As a frustrated user coming from an industrial engineering and operations background, Zaidi envisioned disrupting the HCM space with best-of-breed Leadership and HCM solutions that would revolutionize the way that organizations could engage with and develop their talent. Working with seasoned operational and HR professionals and listening intently to feedback from customers, Zaidi and his development team created the Talent Development Portal as a “hire-to-inspire” solution. Not one to rest on his accomplishments, Zaidi continues to generate ideas to add even more functionality to the TDP. As he succinctly states, “If Bullseye stands still, we will lose ground to the competition. I don’t intend to let that happen. We must continue distinguishing ourselves as the most agile technology company with our unique and disruptive approach – and we are already being recognized as such!
Minimizing Complexity 
Bullseye is a relatively new entrant to the HCM technology space, having launched its signature product, the TDP, only three years ago. To gain traction in the marketplace, Bullseye has focused on three characteristics to differentiate its software from competitors: rapid deployment, user experience and almost total configurability. Because TDP implementations are executed solely by Bullseye’s personnel, deployment times are much shorter than its competitors; in most cases, companies can “go live” in eight weeks or less. The user experience of all Bullseye solutions is shaped by Mr. Zaidi’s experience as an unhappy user, so system design emphasizes quick and intuitive navigation. Finally, Bullseye’s software has been independently judged to be up to 90% configurable, a level of flexibility not found in any other comprehensive talent management software. As a result, there is no need for organizations to endure rigorous process re-engineering to accommodate Bullseye’s software; rather, the software can be configured to accommodate existing HR processes. As a result, Bullseye customers enjoy another very welcome benefit: a significantly lower implementation cost.
Client-centric at its Core 
While a positive user experience is always top of mind, Bullseye is also highly attentive to the organizational needs of its customers. Bullseye’s solution configurability minimizes the need for complex change management exercises. Intuitive, graphical dashboards enable system administrators and managers to easily monitor system usage and process compliance. Mr. Zaidi has fostered a culture that encourages suggested system improvements from customers, which are quickly considered and, if deemed to be broadly applicable, promptly included in system updates. Customers are often amazed how quickly some of their suggestions are incorporated into the software. Bullseye’s agility stands in stark contrast to the regimented processes commonly inherent in providers of large, transactional software applications.
Bullseye approaches prospective customers without asking them to throw out existing software providers. The company is entirely comfortable co-existing with other providers whose core competencies may be transactional or data base management activities. Bullseye merely wants to be the solution of choice for organizations that want to experience best-in-class employee engagement and talent development software. To executives who say they prefer to use a single provider for all their company’s HCM needs, Mr. Zaidi offers an almost irrefutable response, “No software provider can be the best at everything. When it comes to managing and developing your talent, just good enough isn’t good enough.”
“BullseyeEngagement has been a valued partner to our company as we have progressed from the initial pilot in 2012 until today. Their team of professionals took the time to understand our requirements in order to identify our needs. They continue to listen to all of their customers and make system enhancements based on customer feedback. Their innovative program has grown from a basic program to manage employee performance to an innovative platform of alternative value add solutions from KPI dashboards to full Talent management.”
“Implementation was very easy- the implementation help was available all the way through this process. The system is very intuitive. BE listens to their clients and has the ability to customize the system to the client’s needs Their customer support team is like no other.”