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Brilliant Cooking Hacks for College Students

Students have a lot of commitments to deal with. They include lectures, assignments, extracurriculars, and part-time work. So, you may not have time to prepare a decent meal to eat, and thus, cooking could be the last activity on your to-do list. However, you should know that home-cooked meals play an important role in your nutrition. For instance, you can tailor these meals to suit your nutritional requirements – use fewer processed ingredients and include more fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. It’s also a cost-effective way of feeding yourself as you can purchase ingredients in bulk and avoid the cost of ordering takeout regularly. Other benefits of cooking for yourself in college include:

  • You develop your cooking skills.
  • Proper meal preparation saves you time.
  • Cooking could be an excellent way of dealing with college stress.

What are the brilliant cooking hacks that can help you save time and money while enhancing convenience for you as a college student? Here are the top tips for you.

Ensure You Have Your Cooking Basics

To do anything successfully, you should have the basics. For instance, to write a quality paper like those written by expert writers at, you must have authoritative sources for research, such as peer-reviewed journals and books. You also need to have the necessary ingredients to have a good cooking experience. Imagine a situation where you want to prepare a meal, and you notice you don’t have the requisite ingredients – it can be frustrating. Having the basics can simplify the cooking process for you while saving you valuable time. The basics on hand can serve as a backup during times when you may not have time to shop or when fresh ingredients are unavailable in the market.

What are the basics you should have to simplify your cooking routine in college? That may depend on the specific foods you love. However, there are items that you should add to your pantry as a college student who wants to adopt a healthy diet. For example, you should have rice and pasta in your pantry – these are versatile staples that are easy to prepare, are nutrient-laden, and have a long shelf-life. Other items you should have ready include:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Seasonings and sauces
  • Other ingredients you deem useful.

Save on Your Grocery Shopping

Understand that you require grocery shopping to make cooking easy in college. However, you should also look for ways to save and reduce wastage as you purchase your ingredients. With careful planning, you can prepare sumptuous and nutritious meals while saving both money and time, which are valuable resources for collegians.

The first trick in ensuring you stay within your budget as you go for your grocery shopping is to prepare a shopping list. Ensure the list has all the basics to have a seamless cooking experience. Also, avoid buying a lot of grocery items as some may go bad, which means you will waste money. Your list should incorporate the ingredients in your weekly or monthly meal plan.

What’s more, consider doing grocery shopping with your friends. It can save you a lot of money in the long run. For example, you can enjoy discounts by purchasing the items you require in bulk. Your friends can also be your accountability partners, ensuring you don’t purchase anything you don’t need that may waste your money.

Prepare Your Meal Plans in Advance

One of the reasons you might not like cooking in college is because of the preparation that goes into it. For instance, you could take too much time deciding what you should cook. By the time you settle on a meal, it could be too late – you no longer have the appetite, or you have something else to do. The trick is to prepare meal plans in advance.

For example, you can create a list of the meals you intend to prepare throughout the week. With this list, you can decide the items you should get from the grocery store. When you have everything ready, you reduce the stress of having to prepare meals after a long day of classes or work. It can contribute to a more relaxed and enjoyable cooking experience.

Part of this preparation also involves having everything you require in the right state. For example, wash the ingredients you require for your lunchtime meal in the morning. Also, ensure all the cutlery, including chopping boards and knives, are clean before the next cooking session.

Consider One-Pot Meals

Do you dislike cooking because it consumes a lot of your time for doing assignments, and you have to buy essays online to create time for cooking? If so, it could be time to try time-saving cooking techniques. One excellent technique is to prepare one-pot meals.

The one-pot cooking technique involves preparing an entire meal in just one cooking vessel. You’ll love this technique because of its simplicity; it requires minimal preparation and use of kitchen utensils as you cook everything in one go. It’s also a perfect way of preparing a nutritious meal when you are short of time, especially when you have an upcoming class session, you want to complete your assignments, or you should be studying for your college exams.

Take Advantage of Cooking Tutorials

You can also watch cooking tutorials to improve your skills. For example, YouTube has numerous free videos on how to cook nutritious meals in a short time. They range from basic recipes to advanced techniques. These tutorials teach you a lot of cooking details, including:

  • Special diets, depending on what you want to achieve.
  • Kitchen safety and hygiene.
  • Crucial health and nutrition information.

Final Thoughts

Meal preparation could be one of the most hated engagements for collegians. It could be because of the elaborate preparation it requires. However, cooking in college has many benefits, including the fact that you can prepare nutritious and splendid meals. To make it easy for you to cook, purchase the cooking basics, prepare a meal plan, and save on your grocery shopping. Also, consider one-pot meals and polish your cooking skills through video tutorials.