Biophilic Design: A Grandiose Architectural Trend to Enrich Workplace

biophilic design | online business magazine

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The serene view of greenery, the murmuring sound of a fountain, the refreshing sound of raindrops tickling on the glass…don’t they feel quite soothing to your soul? Yes, they do.  This is because it’s our inherent connection with nature and its beauty.
First introduced by Edward O. Wilson in 1984, the term Biophilia denotes the eternal bond of human with nature.  Every living soul has an innate urge to connect and engross with nature and its beauty. Biophilic design is an innovative way to adopt the beauty and freshness of nature into workplace which inspires us to work, learn, and grow. This can be seen as a conscious inclusion of environmental bliss into our workplace and fuel our productivity with its alluring presence.
A Few Statistics on the Impact of Concrete Work Atmosphere
An environment devoid of nature and fresh air can never inspire good health, productivity, or positive approach to work. A suffocating office atmosphere results in poor performance, absenteeism, shrinkage in work time and increased cost of money. According to research carried out by Harvard Business Review, 47 percent of employees feel tired or very tired due to an absence of natural light at work and 43 percent feel gloomy for the same reason.
Here’s a statistics:
According to Interface, in the USA, absenteeism costs employers an average of $2,074 per employee, per year.
In the UK, work-related stress accounts for 35% of ill health and 43% of absenteeism, costing organizations an estimated 29 billion pounds per year.
Apart from giving an aesthetic look to the office, the Biophilic design improves employee well-being bringing natural environment to the workplace which leads to better performance.
Fading Light of Nature and the Appealing Reasons to embrace Biophilia
The ceaseless wave of modernization is going to alienate us from our mother nature. Yes, our modern day dreams have revealed its poisonous teeth. According to a report by UN, the recent social and economic changes have resulted in detaching more people from nature than ever. The report also indicates that currently 55 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, which is going to reach 68% by 2050.
Looking at such statistics, we can believe that Biophilic design is going to be our savior in the time of growing urbanization. The introduction of natural elements in the workplace will be proved hugely beneficial as the stress-related sickness at work increases. The Biophilic design will not only intensify the appearance of the office, it will result in some more creative, cheerful, and pro-active staff too. So here are some ways to incorporate Biophilia in your office. Read on!
Five Smart Ways to Incorporate Biophilic Design in Workplaces

  1. Visual Elements:

Visual elements help in reducing fatigue and rejuvenating stressed minds. Exposure to green color creates a positive impact on creativity level of the employees. Both real and artificial plants are resplendent choices.
The Biophilic effect of green leaves does magic in reducing unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, or the general feeling of being unwell as they reduce dust, mold, and CO2 levels.

  1. Auditory Elements:

Natural sounds hasten the process of healing and psychological restoration by 37% as compared to city noises or silence. Soothing sounds of water or wind are really bliss to an active mind. Natural auditory elements like chirping sounds of birds, cascading water or slow instrumental music can be some of the wonderful add-ons.

  1. Olfactory Elements:

Fresh flowers, plant oils and fruit essences are some highly recommended diffusers to calm an active workplace. Quite opposite to regular temperature and ventilator system in offices, Biophilic design mirrors outdoor variability while giving occupants individual control.

  1. Thermal Variability:

With the sun, wind, rain, and air pressure time spent outdoors is constantly changing temperatures contrasting to the constant blast of air conditioners inside the office. The Biophilic design incorporates intuitive HVAC units that mimic the weather outside when it’s pleasant and regulate the temperature

  1. Light Variability:

Natural light conditions are always at a flux just like the dynamic natural temperature. The natural circadian rhythm shares a strong bond with the changing light. A Circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours. (Wikipedia) Being consistently exposed to harsh artificial lighting interrupts this rhythm causing fatigue, boredom and insomnia.
Apart from these, flowing water installations such as fountains, water walls, and constructed streams are also highly recommended for spacious offices.
Redefine and rejuvenate the office decorum with a splash of Biophilia and keep yourself ahead of the sophisticated ladder of success.

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