Best Windows File Recovery Software (Full Reviews)

File Recovery Software

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In the digital age today, computers are essential. We depend on them for both our own and proficient lives since our data, such as compressed files, pictures, audios, video recordings, etc., is put away in them.

However, the disk problems or other actions, e.g., accidentally deleting a file only to find out later it is crucial, could cause data loss. So many users are wondering: Is there a quick and effective method for retrieving data?

Luckily, there is powerful Windows file recovery software called MyRecover to help you. This survey will make sense of its key highlights, testing strategies, and results.

Key Highlights of MyRecover

Speaking of data recovery, a user-friendly interface and success rate are exceedingly significant, with them, you can easily recover data from hard drives in Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, and Windows Servers in a few clicks.

Given these aspects, MyRecover is one of the best Windows file recovery software. Its fundamental highlights are as per the following:

  • Intuitive interface: For novices, the interface of MyRecover is clear and simple to use.
  • Numerous recovery capabilities: It can recover accidentally deleted files, or from recycle bin, corrupt or formatted drive, virus-infected system, etc., scenarios where you lose data.
  • Upheld data types: In excess of 200+ formats, including JPG/JPEG, PNG, PPT, Word, XLS/XLSX, DOC/DOCX, PDF, ZIP, HTML, etc., can be recuperated by MyRecover.
  • Comprehensive scanning: MyRecover utilizes two scanning technologies, Quick Scan and Deep Scan, to follow every recoverable file and gather them into Deleted Files, Recycle Bin, or Other Missing Files directories.
  • File filter and preview: These features accelerate the data recovery process by searching or filtering files through file or folder name, the extension, or data types. Once found, you can double-click the files you want to include to preview them and recover them immediately without waiting for the final result.
  • Recover data from hard disk without OS MyRecover released a new feature named Crashed PC Recovery, which is able to recover data from an unbootable media.

MyRecover Testing Steps and Results

Then, at that point, we should learn how MyRecover tests before we continue, assuming no one minds. Note that this item is just viable with Windows working systems, including the most recent releases of Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.

Data Files:

  • Download MyRecover from the official website to install it on your computer.
  • Then, we’ll simulate two common data loss scenarios and scan the hard drive for deleted or lost files. The data files are two MOV videos and two PNG pictures.
  • At long last, check if the deleted or lost files have been effectively recuperated.

The Testing process:

Our testing cycle comprises of two situations: file deletion and disk formatting. Both scenarios are described in detail below.

Situation 1: Files deletion

We deleted the MOV video files and the PNG image files using the Delete option and emptied the Recycle Bin folder.

Open Windows data recovery software – MyRecover and scan the disk or partition for deleted files. Then, select the MOV video files and the PNG image files to recover once it displays them in the following window.

The outstanding filter and preview features in MyRecover make it simple and quick to locate and recover specific files or folders. Click on the filter button to choose different options, such as data type, date modified, and size. You can also search for a file name or extension in the search box.

Situation 2: Format a Disk

The testing steps in this situation are like those in the previous situation. Notwithstanding, there is one difference: rather than deleting files, we added two MOV recordings and two PNG pictures and formatted the hard drive containing the above data files.

Test Outcomes:

MyRecover proves to be a well-planned and easy-to-use Windows file recovery software. It just takes a couple of snaps to recuperate your data, with a high success rate. Two PNG images and MOV videos were successfully recovered in the two scenarios. The only drawback is that the recovered files in situation 2 do not keep their original file name.


MyRecover is a great choice if you want easy-to-use and efficient Windows file recovery software. Its clear interface and advanced scanning technologies ensure a smooth data recovery process even in different scenarios.

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