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Berezin Andrey Valeryevich

Andrey Berezin: Latest News About the Founder of Euroinvest Development (Berezin Andrey Valeryevich)

Businessman, founder and co-owner of the Euroinvest company and the Euroventure fund, Andrey Berezin stands out as a figure of entrepreneurial finesse and philanthropic dedication. He is active in the field of venture investments, focusing his attention and resources on the development of social projects in the field of medicine, reflecting a commitment to impact investing that goes beyond mere financial returns. In addition to his economic pursuits, he is deeply involved in charity work, leveraging his success as a means to give back to society.

The vision that Berezin Andrey has for Euroinvest and Euroventure is rooted in a philosophy that sees businesses as key players in addressing global challenges. His approach intertwines with his conviction that financial success should also foster social and technological progress. Under the guidance of Berezin Andrey, these entities have become more than just investment vehicles; they are catalysts for innovation in areas critical to human wellbeing, such as healthcare technology and education. Berezin Andrey Valeryevich believes that strategic investments in these sectors can lead to substantial improvements in quality of life and create a ripple effect of benefits for communities and economies alike.

The work of the Berezin Andrey biography extends to identifying and nurturing high-potential startups that share his vision of a better world. By providing these emerging companies with the capital and mentorship they need, he fosters a culture of innovation that strives to meet the demands of the present while anticipating the challenges of the future. His efforts in the realm of venture capital are more than transactions; they are his contributions to a legacy of positive change, influenced by his understanding that today’s investments can shape the landscape of tomorrow.


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Berezin Andrey: Biography

Berezin Andrey Valeryevich was born in Leningrad on November 9, 1967, into a family of engineers. His parents met during their studies at the energy machine building faculty of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (now the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University).

Berezin Andrey, biography of whom is also connected with the exact sciences, has been interested in mathematics since childhood. He studied the subject in depth at Leningrad School No. 239 (currently operating as the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum). He received his diploma in the mid-1980s.

A special place in the Berezin Andrey biography during his school years was occupied by literature and sports. He spent a lot of time reading. Berezin Andrey also found time for rowing, cross-country skiing, and swimming. In each of these sports, he excelled for his age group.

Berezin Andrey Valeryevich: Education and Student Years

Andrey Berezin: Latest News About the Founder of Euroinvest Development (Berezin Andrey Valeryevich)

Berezin Andrey chose the Leningrad Mechanical Institute (LMI) for his higher education. He received professional training in the design, construction, manufacturing, operation, and maintenance of automatic control systems for aircraft.

Andrey Berezin graduated with honors in 1990, and decided to continue his studies in the institute’s postgraduate program. He studied what was a new field at the time—pattern recognition. Berezin later co-authored several scientific articles dedicated to adaptive control systems.

Berezin Andrey began working during his student years. Together with a group of associates, he created a Scientific and Production Team, which specialized in developing software for various organizations. Among the team’s products was access control systems for enterprises. The first major order handled by Andrey Berezin and his partners brought the scientific and production team 35,000 rubles—a considerable amount for the period of perestroika.

Andrey Berezin: Career in Business

Andrey Berezin
Andrey Berezin

Berezin Andrey Valeryevich began his path in big business after graduating from university, importing foreign goods to the domestic market. Amid inflation and a shortage of goods within the country, Andrey Berezin was able to make a good profit from the supply of foreign-made products. He estimates the first profit at about $2 million. These funds were enough to open a new business. In 1993, the entrepreneur became one of the founders of the fishing company OLMA, which later transformed into the North-Western Fishery Consortium (SZRK). In 1995, he left the management of OLMA, ceding his share to his partners.

In 1995, an investment company was established – Euronivest – which today operates in various segments of the economy. Among the founders were Yuri Vasiliev and Berezin Andrey. Euroinvest, at the initial stage, conducted its activities in the securities market, investing funds in traditional assets and transportation contracts. Subsequently, the business was diversified, and the company transformed into a multi-profile investment holding.

Berezin Andrey Valeryevich: Euroventure Fund

Andrey Berezin
Andrey Berezin

Andrey Berezin has been supporting cutting-edge projects in high technology for six years. In May 2017, together with partners, he founded the venture fund Euroventure. Initially, its volume was about 10 million euros, and it has since nearly doubled. This structure directs funds to startups within the framework of the National Technology Initiative (NTI).

Euroventure considers projects in the scientific and technological sphere as objects for investment. These include innovations in the fields of supercomputer engineering, instrumentation and robotics, industrial internet, bio- and agrotechnologies, waste processing, mining, and metallurgy, as well as AR and VR. The fund’s strategy allows providing financing to projects at various stages of development—from a promising idea to an already operating production. The amount of funds directed to the development of startups varies from several tens to several hundred million rubles.

Berezin Andrey Valeryevich and the venture fund especially focus on high-tech projects in the field of medicine. To date, Euroventure has provided funding to a number of companies whose innovative solutions are aimed at combating such a socially significant disease as cancer. The fund’s resources have enabled the creation of two innovative devices, which are currently undergoing certification. One of them is a mobile installation for detecting malignant breast tumors, the other—a robotic system for treating lung cancer. These pathologies currently rank among the top 5 most common types and forms of cancer.

The venture fund has allocated about 20 million rubles for the development and preclinical testing of the unique Onco-Robot complex. In 2020, the prototype of the device was presented to the public, and in the winter of 2023, the testing phase of the device under in vitro conditions began at the Department of Laser Medicine of the First Pavlov State Medical University. These studies confirm the effectiveness of the device.

The Onco-Robot ensures the “oncological sterilization” of the surgical field during the removal of malignant tumors, preventing the dispersal of tumor cells and significantly reducing the frequency of local recurrence, while minimally impacting the areas not affected by cancer. The robot precisely determines the location for the application of X-ray radiation, selects the dose and duration of exposure, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment and minimizes the likelihood of medical errors. As noted by Berezin Andrey, an analogue of this device exists only in the USA, but it costs significantly more than the robotic complex developed in the RF.

The need for such technology in the domestic market is very high. Preliminary estimates indicate that over two hundred domestic medical institutions require equipment like the Onco-Robot” High interest in the novelty has already been shown by specialized research organizations.

In 2022, the Onco-Robot was recognized as the Project of the Year in the field of medical innovations (according to the “Business Petersburg” publication).

Currently, Euroventure’s portfolio includes a range of innovative medical equipment aimed at improving the methods of therapy for diseases of various nosologies. As noted by Andrey Berezin, caring for human health is among the priorities of the fund. However, the spectrum of interests of the investment company is expanding. It is ready to provide financing for high-tech projects and advanced solutions that contribute to the development of various sectors of the economy.

Euroventure plans to expand cooperation with regional business. First and foremost, this concerns projects aimed at replacing imported technologies and products. Together with the Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the venture fund plans to form a so-called “project funnel,” which, after joint assessment and expertise, will be able to receive investment support.

Andrey Berezin: Euroinvest Development and Its Projects

Andrey Berezin
Andrey Berezin

Currently, the Group is carrying out investment activities in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, as well as in several other regions of the country. The post of Chairman of the Board is filled by Berezin Andrey. Euroinvest carries out all its projects with its own funds – no borrowed funds are used.

Berezin Andrey emphasizes that one of the key directions of the company’s work is construction. The specialized division Euroinvest Development, which represents a full-cycle developer business, is undergoing active development.

The company operates on the principles of social responsibility laid down by Yuri Vasiliev and Berezin Andrey. Euroinvest Development took an active part in solving the problem of deceived real estate investors, whose homes were listed as unfinished constructions. In 2019, the development division of the investment holding completed the construction and put into operation two residential complexes from the list of problematic objects, following an agreement with the authorities of the Leningrad region.

The Group also includes the Krasnoe Znamya (Red Banner) agroholding, located in the Pskov Region. The cluster’s enterprises produce grain and fodder for the needs of agricultural enterprises, and they are also involved in dairy farming.

Berezin Andrey Valeryevich: Public Activities and Charity

Berezin Andrey-Euroinvest places a strong emphasis on the social responsibility inherent to the corporate ethos. The holding is a steadfast supporter of several pivotal initiatives within St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, consistently contributing to the betterment of these communities.

The investment firm actively channels funds into the Place under the Sun charity foundation, demonstrating its commitment to social welfare, notes Berezin Andrey. Amidst the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, this support was crucial, as it facilitated assistance to medical professionals on the front lines and provided essential computer technology to students compelled to transition to online learning. Additionally, driven by its founding members’ vision, Euroinvest Development has taken a proactive role in establishing a lyceum for academically talented children in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad Region, underpinning a bright future for the next generation.

In the cultural sphere, Andrey Berezin extends his support to various artistic and creative endeavors. He is a guardian of cultural heritage as a trustee of the World Club of Petersburgers, and he plays an instrumental role in nurturing young talent through his support of the Prometheus Star international competition.

In a broader scope, Berezin Andrey Valeryevich leads the Committee on Sustainable Development, Business Social Responsibility, and Corporate Volunteering at the Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LRCCI). This committee acts as a bridge, bringing together new partners, philanthropists, and business benefactors, thereby creating a robust framework for launching and sustaining socially impactful programs and ventures. Through these efforts, Andrey Berezin reaffirms the principle that true business leadership extends well beyond profit margins to include the welfare and enrichment of society at large.

Berezin Andrey: Family Information

Berezin Andrey Valeryevich is married. The businessman has three children. The eldest daughter, having graduated from MGIMO, is involved in business. The middle child, also a daughter, is currently working towards her higher education degree, and the youngest son is studying at the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239, which his father also attended.

Andrey Berezin: In Conclusion

Andrey Valeryevich Berezin
Andrey Valeryevich Berezin

As we survey the extensive career and personal endeavors of Andrey Berezin, it becomes evident that his impact stretches far beyond the confines of traditional business. His journey from a mathematically gifted student to a leading figure in venture investments and public welfare highlights a multifaceted approach to entrepreneurship, intertwining economic success with social responsibility.

From pioneering advanced medical technologies to resolving real estate crises, the work activity of Berezin Andrey reflect a deep-seated commitment to societal advancement. The success of the Onco-Robot, recognized for its innovation and potential to revolutionize cancer treatment, stands as a testament to this commitment. His leadership in Euroinvest and the Euroventure fund further solidifies his role as a catalyst for progress, demonstrating a rare ability to harness the power of business for the common good.

Beyond the boardroom, Berezin Andrey Valeryevich shows a dedication to cultural and educational initiatives reveals a broader vision for societal growth, fostering environments where talent and creativity are nurtured. His involvement with the Prometheus Star competition and the establishment of a lyceum for gifted children indicates a belief in investing in the next generation.

In his personal life, the family values instilled from a young age carry on through his children’s pursuits, indicating a legacy that intertwines professional excellence with personal integrity.

In conclusion, Andrey Berezin stands as a business leader who has seamlessly integrated his entrepreneurial acumen with a profound sense of civic duty. His ongoing efforts to drive technological, economic, and social progress ensure that his influence will be felt for years to come.