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Aureus Tech Systems: Streamlining Business Workflows And Business Intelligence

Based in Colorado, Aureus Tech Systems has been established with the goal of providing a consolidated enterprise platform for Content Management, Business Intelligence and publishing line of Business Applications, and acts as a “one stop shop” for enterprise users to log in and do all their activities without having to log into multiple systems, which helps in increasing adoption and driving efficiencies.
Aureus is primarily focused on Enterprise Content Management and Workflow Solutions using SharePoint, Responsive Design And Mobility Solutions using HTML5 and Angular JS, Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics.

Sujata Bhattarai, CEO & President of Aureus Tech Systems, has identified a need in the marketplace around SharePoint in 2008, and started Aureus in the SharePoint technology consulting space. Just over the span of five years, she grew the company at an average of 20% revenue growth.
Sujata graduated from the University of Central Missouri in 2006 and worked at the National Research Center for College and University as a Software Developer churning out solutions in the area of Business Intelligence and Reporting Systems.

With a great leadership and human resource management skills, Sujatawas recognized as the ‘Professional Woman of the Year 2014’ by the National Association of Professional Women.
At Aureus, Sujata is responsible for handling everything from project management, resource acquisition to payroll and human resource functions, and managing the finance and resource allocation of the company.

Aureus’ Bottom Up Approach in Design and Implementation
Aureus has a repeatable blueprint used in engaging with the users and key stakeholders in the initial consulting and design phase, and has achieved great adoption results at various companies.
The process starts with identifying complex manual/semi-automated workflows within an organization, identifying the most efficient ways to automate and optimize the workflows using SharePoint workflow capabilities as an enabler.

The next step involves identifying all critical line of business applications, then Aureus evaluates the feasibility of hosting those applications in SharePoint; this becomes a key driver around increasing adoption.

The next critical step in the process is identifying the reporting echo-system of the enterprise. Aureus’ Interactive Reporting/ BI dashboard accelerators enables consolidation of clients’ reporting needs within SharePoint.

Additionally, Aureus look at any needs in the enterprise around video based knowledge management/ training videos, Aureus accelerators help the client to implement these features in the enterprise SharePoint platform.

Another key aspect around adoption is reviewing any external/internal communication using emails and creating a personalized portal for external or internal stakeholders, Aureus has a base plug-in in this space that enables efficient and streamlined client/ stakeholder communication.

Finally, Aureus looks at any collaboration and/or social networking needs in an enterprise and incorporate that aspect within the enterprise SharePoint platform.

Customer Centricity and investing in human capital (employees) have been key values of Aureus to build trusted client relationships through the years. Aureus clients (like Jamba Juice) have benefited from a centralized platform for Content Management, business workflow tools, line of business applications, Interactive reporting, BI/predictive dashboards and social networking.

Aureus is excited about the significant technology R&D investments that they are making towards building predictive models and re-usable UI/UX controls, and leading with the goal to enhance the user experience of their workflow solutions and introduce statistics based decision making in the user-workflows and reporting.