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Anne Benisch is Creating Unforgettable Moments and Building Community with Planned By Anne

Anne Benisch, or “Annie,” lives her life in constant motion, exactly how she prefers it. Whether planning a new event, trying to give back to her community, or leaning into her hobbies and passions, she’s always busy and on the go.

Though born in San Jose, Anne credits her move to Modesto as an infant for shaping her joyful spirit, friendly nature, and go-getter personality. If she is in the room, you’ll know it, and you’ll be better for it.

Her passion for people is what inspired her to create her very own event-planning business, “Planned By Anne,” which she uses to tap into her creative side and connect with her community. Through her work, Annie Benisch is building a life she’s proud of—one project at a time.

The Making of a Leader

At Modesto High School, Anne Benisch did everything but blend in. As a top student in the International Baccalaureate program and a star on the water polo and swimming teams, she was known for excelling in every area she committed herself to.

Her ability to thrive in both academics and athletics earned her a reputation for resilience and determination, with many looking to her as a leader. She has carried this reputation well, balancing each aspect of her life with grace and persistence.

As Anne moved from high school to college at UC Davis, she stepped into new leadership roles, including Vice President of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. She continued to compete in swimming, ensuring none of her passions was left behind.

After graduating from college, Anne moved to San Francisco, the perfect city to explore new opportunities and immerse herself in different industries. If her calling wasn’t clear before San Francisco, it was deafening now.

Anne started working at Sephora, where she was in charge of organizing notable events like the National Store Directors Conference in Las Vegas. These experiences set the stage for her future business, as she realized event planning was where she belonged.

Turning a Passion into a Profession

Annie Benisch started out as most young professionals do—working for someone else and helping build their dreams. However, she knew she was destined for more. Her turning point came when more people began reaching out to her, inquiring not about her current job, but about private events they wanted her to plan.

Her first solo event, a multi-day, corporate retreat, was a true test of her abilities. Featuring luxury glamping tents and a top-grade chef, Anne executed a flawless event, right down to the smallest touches.

The event highlighted her skills, especially as a new solo event planner, and this was all she needed to know that her business could thrive.

Anne’s focus went from helping build someone else’s dream to tapping into her own. She took a leap of faith and went full throttle with “Planned By Anne,” knowing she had everything she needed to succeed in creating unforgettable projects.

As she plans, her simple, yet powerful personal philosophy guides her: “Work hard and be nice to people.” Living by this motto has allowed Anne to build strong relationships with her clients and vendors, helping her business succeed and grow.

Going Beyond Events

Just as Anne is committed to her business, she’s just as dedicated to her community. To her, success is more than pulling off a great event, but about bringing joy to the lives of the people she’s working with and making a positive impact.

Anne co-founded DOMO Walls, an initiative that has made downtown Modesto brighter with over 25 uniquely designed murals. Her work on this project perfectly highlights her ability to combine creativity and community involvement to make a difference.

Anne has also contributed her skills and passion to the Make Dreams Real golf tournament, which raises over $350,000 each year for children’s charities. The Education Foundation also benefits from her services during their annual charity event.

Beyond these organizations, Anne takes on projects even closer to her heart, including the Mat Staack Open, a golf tournament held in honor of her dear friend’s brother.

A Career Built on Inspiration

Anne’s career has been deeply shaped by two important women—her Oma and Aunt Betsy. Growing up, Anne watched as they hosted different family functions and events that always made their guests feel welcomed and special.

Today, she mimics their work in every event that’s “Planned By Anne,” paying attention to each tiny detail and basking in the simple joy of bringing people together. Each event Anne plans is one-of-a-kind, inspired by the client’s personality and unique preferences. In this way, her events are more than just planning and organizing, but about creating something memorable.

Though her top priority is giving her clients the event of their dreams, her goal will always be to go beyond that. Anne wants people to experience something they won’t ever stop talking about, with a smile on their faces and memories in their hearts.

The Future of Planned by Anne

Anne Benisch has big hopes for “Planned By Anne,” which only continues to grow. Although she plans over 80 events each year, she doesn’t let that stop her creative juices from flowing. When she’s not actively planning, she keeps herself busy by researching new ideas on Pinterest and Instagram, always trying to stay ahead of the latest trends.

She also makes sure to attend at least one professional event-planning conference a year. This helps her stay knowledgeable about industry developments and new technologies while bringing fresh inspiration to her work.

Looking ahead, she’s excited to keep discovering which creative elements her clients love the most. She’s all about perfecting her work and keeping everyone happy and entertained.

Anne finds this process deeply rewarding whether she’s connecting with a new client or catching up with a trusted vendor. “Planned By Anne” continues to set industry standards and gain ground, delivering experiences that are both exciting and well-executed.

Annie Benisch Is More Than an Event Planner

From San Jose to Modesto to San Francisco, Anne Benisch has grown from a wide-eyed high school student into a successful event planner and community leader. Through “Planned By Anne,” she continues to make a difference by organizing memorable events for her clients, leaving a lasting impact on the event-planning industry and the community.

What was once a passion for planning and people has quickly grown into a thriving career, driven by Anne’s dedication to the more important things in life. Her commitment to hard work, creativity, and making a difference has made her more than just an event planner, but a powerful force for positivity, change, and impact.