How Video Can Market Your Business


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For many years now, video has felt like something of a constant when it comes to marketing. The fact that the internet has only opened up more avenues for video to feature has helped it to retain its place as a very flexible and appealing form of visual content.

The variety is important to understand, however, as it’s something that can mean video ends up serving your business in multiple different ways. Whether your audience is best reached through TV marketing or whether you want to get involved in more modern short-form platforms, you have a lot of options at your disposal.

Widespread Utility

In order to understand where to begin, you have to think about what each different type of video content is aiming to do. Short-form video is exceptionally popular in the modern marketing world thanks to platforms like TikTok and the plethora of other social media pages that support this length of video. Your aim with short-form video is to quickly grab attention, make your point and establish your tone, as well as your brand, before leaving. You don’t want to outstay your welcome and you don’t want to cram too much information in at once. It’s a delicate balance, but it’s a very different craft to what you might do with TV marketing. There, you have more time to create an atmosphere and a narrative, or a joke with a punch line, and failing to do that might have a negative impact instead. You can create one video and edit it down so that it finds utility in multiple different spheres, but you don’t want to stretch it too thin. Researching different types of video production can give you a better idea of which avenue to explore, as well as which kind of platform might be most beneficial for your brand.

Showcasing Your Brand and Tone

The best examples of video marketing are the ones that stand out and make the others follow suit. That doesn’t mean any one thing – there’s no one standard that you’re chasing, such as in visuals or sound design; it’s just all about how it comes together to deliver your intended message. Every single business out there is trying to offer their brand as being something unique, something above the rest, and all audiences can do is take brands on their word – something that’s going to be harder to do in a sea of similar claims. However, your marketing is an opportunity to prove that you are what you say you are right from the outset.

You’re not going to be able to definitively prove that your brand is better than your competitors just from video content alone, but you can establish a tone and an intention that can stick with customers. In some ways, the content of the video and how well it’s constructed might be something that’s independent from the tone, at least on some level. You need the video to be technically professional and confident just to speak to the quality of your own product, but the tone is something that should absolutely be consistent with the kind of output people have come to expect from your social media pages, as well as your website itself. Your branding needs to be consistent, and videos like this are a golden opportunity to tie it all together.

Audience Engagement

What ultimately enables video marketing to stand out in the way that it does as a way for businesses to market themselves is the fact that it’s a massively engaging form of content. A social media post is cheap, easy and it serves a purpose – it’s absolutely capable of having an impact on your audiences – but it’s nothing compared to how enraptured your viewers might find themselves in your video marketing. This means that it becomes a great way of sprucing up your pre-existing pages. While you might have designed some versions of your video content exclusively for video platforms like TikTok, it’s also worth thinking about how you can apply your video content to things like banner ads to draw the attention of the user and make an impression when they weren’t expecting to find one. Additionally, if someone discovers your brand through means like your SEO content, the next place that they’ll look will likely be your website. That means that it’s also worth your time to feature your video content on your website, so that they become engaged and interested enough to stay and learn more for themselves.

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