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What Should Be Your Next Step After Being Accused of Identity Theft?

You may feel confused or worried when you are accused of identity theft. We get puzzled and mess up things. Instead of dealing with yourself, it’s best to approach for help. It will be best to speak to a criminal defence lawyer who can assist you at every step and help you overcome the challenging situation.

So, let’s understand identity theft, the possible penalties, and how to protect yourself.

  • What is identity theft?

Identity theft is a crime regarded as fraudulent, caused by one person accused of stealing another person’s identity or personal information. This information can include a name, date of birth, or even financial details. Identity Theft is a criminal offence as using the information; one can apply for loans, open bank accounts, or even make purchases to make huge gains without the victim’s knowledge or consent.

  • What are the penalties one faces after being convicted of identity theft?

Suppose you have been convicted of identity theft. In that case, you might face the following penalties: community service, fine, opening a criminal record in your name, imprisonment for ten years or more, restitution, or compensation to the victim, which can be a considerable amount.

However, based on certain circumstances of the offence, the penalties tend to differ and can also lead to – money or assets being involved, checking if you have past convictions, or being charged with fraud.

Only a qualified criminal lawyer Mississauga can help you. They understand the legal terms and can defend you against identity theft charges.

  • What are the most common identity crimes?

The most common identity theft recorded are:

  1. Using personal information, a person can use sensitive information to impersonate someone. If a person uses somebody’s name on social media, it is called an identity theft crime.
  2. Accessing services online using someone else’s identity. If online services or purchases are made in the name of another person using personal information, which can include emails, bank accounts, and superannuation, then it is a crime.
  3. Creating false documents to deceive a person. Illegal documents are made, including fake driver’s licenses, bank statements, ID cards, passports, etc. Owning a machine or device that can create false documents can result in heavy charges. Fortunately, there are now devices such as a driver’s license scanner that can verify the authenticity of these documents.
  • What do you do if you are charged with identity theft?

If you are charged with identity theft, do not act impulsively. Talk to the lawyer before you talk to the police. It would help if you did not speak to anybody about the case, as even your statement can be recorded as evidence in court.

With the help of a lawyer, act according to the legal advice and gather evidence based on your case; it can be documents, emails, or communication to support the fact that allegations are false. When you are charged with identity theft, it does not make you guilty; a lawyer can stand beside you, defend you, and prove that you are being framed.

Summing it up:

The identity theft lawyer provides legal counsel and advice and acts as legal representation in cases of offences. The possible defence you can act upon is lack of intent, mistaken identity, insufficient evidence, mistake of fact, age, consent, etc. With the help of a Mississauga criminal lawyer, strategies can be developed based on evidence and circumstances to help you reach a positive outcome.