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7 Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Your eCommerce Launch

Gone are the days when companies needed to have huge funding, ad budgets, and connections with prominent broadcast networks and magazines to spread the word about their business launch.

Now we have social media networks, low-cost websites, free video streaming platforms, eCommerce management software platforms, and DIY shopping software platforms and tools. All of the elements mentioned can be combined to make an eCommerce business idea a reality.

And that is precisely what you need to do. Since there are numerous affordable channels of marketing, it would be a shame if you didn’t take advantage of them to promote your business launch.
So, why wait? Let’s start your eCommerce marketing strategy as soon as possible and capture your audience’s attention immediately!

Social media and its importance

The use of social media has become an integral part of every comprehensive eCommerce marketing strategy. Networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have millions of users, and not being present on them can only be your loss.
For a start, you can create your new business page both on Facebook and Instagram. Then, start a PPC ad campaign.
These ads are really effective since you get to decide how much you want to spend on the whole campaign. You can pause to fix something if you need to, and you can even bring a campaign to a halt whenever you feel that is necessary.
Every time a potential client clicks on your ad, you get charged. If you invest $300, there is no chance that you can spend more than $300. When enough people click on your ad, and you use up the invested money, the campaign ends.
Finally, make sure that each page you run for your new business has accurate details. Photos should be high-resolution, and you should post regular updates regarding your business activity.

Content is king

Content is king

Visibility With High-Quality Images

High-quality images for eCommerce are very important for businesses to succeed. Having good quality images on an eCommerce site helps to create a positive first impression, as customers are more likely to trust a business that looks professional. High-quality images also provide an opportunity to showcase the product in a more attractive way and give customers a better idea of what they’re buying. You can consider e-commerce photography services as high-quality images are more likely to engage customers and encourage them to make purchases.

Promotion through social media is what you need to do to go after your audience. Now let’s see what you can do to make them come to you.

When you create good blog posts, infographics, and videos, you can reach more customers. This is called inbound marketing. Shoppers come to you, and you don’t need to invest money to ‘hunt’ them.

With good content, you get to present yourself as an industry expert. For instance, if you start a blog, you can use it to brand yourself as an industry expert. Write about tips and methods that your target audience is looking for, try to cover valuable tutorials, and even cover the industry news. 

Also, you can utilize the content you push as a method of engaging your customers on a regular basis. For example, if you sell fitness products, you could share client success stories.

Feature a segment that revolves around this kind of testimonials. The story your clients tell can range from inspirational stories relevant to your industry to the story of how your business came to be.

Finally, since you are about to have a business launch, maybe first start your own blog and promote your own posts. Then prepare the audience for a huge announcement.

This announcement is about your business launch. Make the announcement and publish it as a part of a blog post or even a vlog episode.

Take advantage of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is still a relatively new marketing method. The concept behind it is rather easy to understand. As consumers get exposed to more and more advertisements, brands are incorporating different strategies to reach and appeal to customers.

Many smart marketers turned to influencers to seek help when launching new companies. An influencer is an individual that is popular enough to influence one’s decisions.

Good examples of successful entrepreneurs include David Vujanic, Neil Patel, Joe Rogan, and so on. These individuals have large audiences that follow and trust them. Hence, for your big launch, you could have an influencer or two mention your new eCommerce brand.

If you see that a lot of people come to shop at your store once it kicks off, you could even extend the relationship between your business and influencers even further.

Good old email marketing

Email marketing is one of the older marketing methods out there. However, it still provides a good ROI and is often an integral part of successful marketing campaigns.

Email marketing may not receive the attention of newer avenues for marketing your eCommerce business. However, when done right, emails can produce a consistent and high return on investment.

Take a strategic and thoughtful approach to email marketing, and you will see positive results. To make it successful, the content of emails you send out has to be valuable and personalized. Do not send generic emails that, obviously, have the role of blatant advertising.

To gather personal interest, ensure that emails you send are contextual and engaging. Also, segment your email list based on preferences and demographics.

Also, it would be wise to consider taking advantage of email automation tools. You don’t have to craft every message and send it yourself personally.

But for a start, you could introduce a newsletter campaign, which is rather easy and effective.

Partner up (affiliate marketing)

Partner up (affiliate marketing)
Affiliate marketing refers to the process through which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another business’s products.

They simply search for a product they could potentially enjoy, test it out, then promote that product and earn a piece of the profit from each sale they make. The sales are tracked through affiliate links from one website to another.
Affiliate marketing is on this list because you are just about to hit the ground running. Fortunately, this marketing method can be implemented at a low cost. You can start quickly and without much hassle. No affiliate program fees exist, so there is no need to worry about that.

For a start, you could reach out to big media websites to partner up. These websites are designed to create a massive amount of traffic at all times. Great media websites have an audience of millions of people.

These sites promote products to their gigantic audience through the use of banners and contextual affiliate links. This method offers excellent exposure and improves conversion rates, resulting in substantial revenue for both the seller and the affiliate.

Bonus tip: Don’t forget your logo

Many people fail to recognize how important aesthetics are. In other words, your logo is crucial for branding and marketing your business.

However, that does not mean that you should spend a fortune on your logo. On the contrary, using a cheap logo maker can be an excellent solution for a new eCommerce business. 

Examine what your rivals have done and what their logos look like. Aim at a balance between meaning and simplicity.

If you manage to achieve that, rest assured that your logo will:

  1. Grab attention. This is important since attention spans are short these days, and you are new to the industry.
  2. Make a strong first impression. There is only one chance to get this right.
  3. Be a good foundation for your brand identity. Successful branding is about telling a story that will influence a person’s emotions.
  4. Be memorable. The whole point of your logo is to be a good point of identification. This is the symbol that customers recognize you by. With good logo design, you will connect the sight of your logo with the memory of what your company does and how it makes them feel.

Final thoughts

Go through these tips one more time, and be sure to act fast.
Taking things off the ground fast and having an already established audience for your business can make a world of difference in eCommerce. This is what oftentimes makes or breaks a newly-established business.