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6 Reasons Why Your House Isn’t Selling

When you put your home out in the property market, you expect it to sell quickly. However, the house might stay on the market longer than anticipated, which can be frustrating. It could be that you’re missing something or making mistakes that turn buyers away. If you wish to sell your property fast, understand the issues that might slow its sale and fix them before putting it out in the market to attract the right buyers. Discussed below are six reasons why your house isn’t selling.

Failure to Complete the Necessary Repairs and Improvements

If you put up your house for sale without completing the necessary repairs and home improvement projects, attracting buyers may be nearly impossible. This means the property won’t be easy to sell because most homebuyers don’t pay attention to houses that require work; they prefer those that are in move-in condition.

Making repairs and completing the necessary improvements boosts the odds of selling your home quickly, that too at a high ROI. Before making any changes to the property, you must weigh the repairs’ costs against the house’s market value once the upgrades or repairs are done. Prioritize the bathroom and kitchen as they bring in the highest return on investment. Other home improvements with a good ROI include:

  • Paint refreshing
  • Refinishing hardwood floors
  • Replacing the entry door
  • HVAC electrification
  • Incorporating a deck
  • Replacing windows
  • Finishing the attic/basement

Home improvement projects and repairs can be costly, especially if you’re strapped for cash. Luckily, you can sell your house as is, meaning without doing any repairs. With reliable cash home buyers, you can sell a house fast in Lincoln or your locality for cash.

Pricing too high

Pricing your house too high can be risky. It forces your property to stay in the market until you’re forced to lower the price. Since most homebuyers begin their property search online, inputting their criteria, price included, enables them to find homes that meet their specifications. Overpricing your home will successfully screen you out of potential buyer searches. To avoid this issue, it’s important to price your house right the first time. To set the best price for your house sale, consider:

Looking at recently sold houses: When selling your home, look at properties similar to yours in size, amenities, neighborhood, and condition that sold recently to determine how to price it correctly.

Checking out comparable houses in the market: Look at other similar properties and how their condition, amenities, and size compared to the house you’re selling. Comparing the prices can help you determine a reasonable price.

Consulting a real estate agent: Using their expertise and experience, real estate agents can help price your home correctly.

Researching: Through research, you can understand the local market better to ensure you price your house for what it’s worth.

Leveraging online calculators: These calculators enable you to estimate your house’s cost and the profits you can get from the sale.

Failure to Stage Your House Correctly

Proper property staging is crucial to a quick, successful sale. When staging your house, any mistakes can hurt your selling chances. These errors include:

  • Not decluttering the house
  • Poor furniture placement
  • Using the wrong paint colours
  • Failure to set the right mood
  • Insufficient depersonalization
  • Not showcasing your house’s best features

To avoid these issues and get your home to sell quickly, partner with a home staging professional. Using their expertise, you can create a more appealing and inviting space that leaves a lasting impression on prospective buyers. Home staging experts can also drive attention to the stylish design factors in your property. Staging your house correctly can help raise its selling price while attracting more buyers.

Poor Listing Photographs

Property listing photos are a significant influence in catching buyer interest, with 83% of homebuyers claiming that pictures are essential in helping them decide the houses to visit. This means bad listing images won’t attract buyer attention because they don’t portray your home correctly, making it hard to sell. When listing your house, take good photos to give the buyer clarity on whether that property aligns with their lifestyle and needs.

With professionally done high-quality pictures, you make your home stand out, capturing buyers’ attention and getting them to visit the house in person. Good quality real estate photography raises your property’s perceived worth and makes it sell quicker than those with poor imagery. Finding the right real estate photographer can help ensure prime-quality listing photos to help get your house sold sooner.

Not Hiring a Real Estate Agent

While you can sell your house independently, the property can stay longer in the market than when using a real estate agent. This is because you lack the market expertise and experience. Also, you might not have the time to dedicate yourself to the sale fully. Leaving the job to a skilled and experienced real estate agent can help ensure your property sells faster since they have a deep understanding of the property market and how it functions.

A good real estate agent knows how to price your home optimally and understands the disclosures you must make in real estate transactions. They’re good at staging and showing properties for sale by ensuring they look their best to entice more buyers. Real estate agents can access multiple listing services and other websites to promote your house and get more buyers. To ensure your home doesn’t take long to sell, find a real estate agent who’s experienced in dealing with properties like yours and has a good track record. If you’re considering hiring an agent, you can learn more here about what to look for and how to find the right professional for your needs.

Bad Curb Appeal

Curb appeal is a crucial house-selling element. It’s the first thing potential buyers see when evaluating your property. If they find your curb appeal unimpressive, they won’t be intrigued to want to know what the inside looks like, forcing your home to remain on the market. Updating your property’s curb appeal leaves a lasting first impression on prospective buyers and compels them to want to see the rest of the house. Besides raising a property’s perceived value, good curb appeal sets your home apart, attracting more buyers and accelerating the sale.


While it’s every seller’s dream to get their property sold soon after putting it out on the market, that isn’t always the case. Determining why your house isn’t selling and fixing the problem can help it sell faster.

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