50 Biomethane Powered Trucks Launched by Tesco Ireland


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Fifty trucks powered by biomethane have been delivered to Tesco Ireland and will be deployed throughout its distribution network. Compared to conventional fossil fuels, biomethane—a sustainable energy source made from biological waste—offers a greener option. The retailer’s plan to lower its carbon footprint and improve the environmental sustainability of its operations includes the purchase of the new trucks.

By replacing 50 diesel engines with the trucks, carbon emissions from tailpipes will be reduced by up to 90%. Produce will be transported to retailers from Tesco’s distribution centers in Dublin via the biomethane fleet, which will be run by the retailer’s transportation partner, DHL.

Tesco Ireland Retail & Distribution Director Ger Counihan declared, “Our network is one of the most sophisticated distribution networks in the country.” Every week, our distribution centers make over 1,800 trips to our 177 locations. The transition from diesel to biomethane vehicles will result in a significant decrease in the fleet’s carbon emissions, he said. “We have worked closely with DHL to prepare for this changeover.”

The trucks’ renewable fuel will originate from anaerobic digestion plants in Ireland and Europe, and they will recharge at the recently opened BioCNG refueling station run by Flogas in the neighboring St Margaret’s neighborhood of north Dublin.

With a full tank of biomethane gas, each truck can travel 700 kilometers, allowing Tesco to visit any of its 177 locations without needing to refuel. Every week, each truck will deliver 15 to 20 truckloads of merchandise across the nation, from Letterkenny to Dublin and Kerry. According to David O’Neill of DHL Supply Chain, the project is significant since it shows how biomethane can be used in Irish commercial transportation.

“This project is a great example of our Green Transport Policy, guiding the transition of 30% of our own fleet to a green alternative by the end of 2026, an important enabler in achieving our sustainability goals,” he stated.

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