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5 Tips for Finding the Right Health Insurance as an Expat, e.g., in Dubai

Whether you’re already an expat living and working in a foreign country or you’re excited about relocating to another country or starting a business overseas, health insurance is something you should have as a matter of necessity.

After all, finding yourself in a medical emergency in a foreign country with no health insurance is not a situation in which you want to find yourself. You want the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you’re covered and can receive the life-saving medical care you need in a medical emergency.

Unfortunately, the international health insurance waters are often murky, making it much more challenging to find and choose the right health insurance coverage.

This article seeks to make finding the right expat health insurance easier by sharing invaluable tips that can make all the difference!

1. Evaluate your health needs

Look at what medical services you usually use and if you see yourself using them in the future. Here is a good example:

Do you plan on having a family or adding more children while abroad? Will they receive full coverage? Is there an existing medical condition or drugs you need?

Remember that some health insurance companies do not cover pre-existing conditions or some drugs while you are abroad, and you may need to dig deeper into your pockets for a premium plan.

If you also plan to stay in a foreign country until you retire, remember that some insurance plans do not cover all ages.

2. Consider the customer services and medical network coverage

Customer service as a whole is an essential requirement for any international healthcare.

As an expat, you must consider whether customer service is available 24/7 and whether the health insurance provider has a large enough network coverage. You can also check for off-peak hours availability by asking questions and evaluating how quickly you get feedback.

3. Compare different health insurance options online

The only way to ensure you’re getting the best health insurance deal at the best price possible is to look at different insurance companies online, compare them side by side, and look into plans specifically for expats.

For example, if you’re moving to the UAE, you can use Insurance Market to compare health insurance in Dubai to ensure you get the best coverage possible.

When comparing options, read reviews and look at filed and approved claim records. Doing this will help you know if the insurance provider you want to use will have a friendly process.

4. Remember that your budget matters too

Your budget matters a lot, and you should only go for a health insurance package whose monthly deductibles you can easily fit into your budget.

Remember that health insurance is like pre-paying for your healthcare in case of an emergency. Thus, go through your budget and allocate an amount that works for you.

It is an excellent choice to pay more for the premium option that offers more coverage, has a sound policy, and saves you the trouble of worrying about your care should you need emergency care during your stay in a  foreign country.

5. Consider the level of coverage offered

As you know, different health insurance packages offer different in-patient care coverage. Thus, consider the level of coverage offered by a plan.

For example, does the plan cover ambulatory evacuations? What about in-patient care? Does the policy offer enough coverage, or will you have to dip into your pockets to pay for some costs—and if so, which ones?


These five tips should help you find the right health insurance as an expat.

The most important thing to remember is to research your options and compare different international health insurance packages and providers to ensure you get an option that meets your needs and gives you the coverage you need.

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