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5 Reasons You’re Getting Less TikTok Likes and How to Fix It

TikTok took everyone by surprise, with hardly anyone predicting that it could be the social media giant it is today. Even though most companies ignored this platform at first, they’ve since changed their perspective. Today, more and more companies are joining TikTok, leveraging it to grow and attract new customers.

However, as the platform continues to get flooded with new users daily, it increasingly becomes difficult to get noticed. In fact, some top brands are witnessing a significant drop in their likes.

So, if you are not getting likes on TikTok, you are not alone. Thankfully, this article will highlight why you are getting zero likes and how best to fix it.

5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Likes on TikTok



Sometimes, your TikTok videos might become invincible on other users” For You’ pages. That’s what is termed as shadowbanning. This problem happens without your knowledge and can severely damage your visibility and overall account growth.

TikTok’s team will shadowban your content because of a violation of their community guidelines, using banned hashtags, or simply posting inappropriate content.

Solution: To avoid this from happening, avoid using bots on your profile. Ensure you engage with your audience authentically and genuinely. More importantly, avoid spammy behavior and only use relevant hashtags. And if in case you notice your account has been shadowbanned, avoid posting content for a few days and review your content strategy. Once you’re sure everything is perfectly okay, you can appeal to TikTok.

Lack of Engagement

Another reason why you are likely not getting any likes is because of a lack of engagement. Ignoring messages and comments and neglecting DMs will negatively affect your TikTok growth.

Whenever you choose not to reply to comments and messages, a signal is sent to the algorithm that reduces your visibility slightly. And when these messages pile up, your content ends up disappearing behind other engaging and interactive influencers.

Solution: If that’s what is currently happening to your profile, don’t worry; here’s a solution for you. Take this opportunity to purchase real TikTok likes and comments from Media Mister. That will give your profile an organic boost and a chance to redeem yourself.

Media Mister offers genuine likes and comments that will quickly boost your discoverability in q, attracting even more organic likes and followers. Then, reply immediately in the most authentic way possible. That should help you recover your visibility.

TikTok’s Algorithm Changes

By now, you already know TikTok’s algorithm is updated quite frequently. And that has a massive impact on engagement and reach, not just your videos but the whole TikTok community.

Solution: To keep up with these updates, be sure to create elngaging content that will capture your target audiences’ attention. Use trending hashtags and get your audience involved by asking questions or running competitions. Additionally, ensure you are always updated on the most recent algorithm upgrades and tailor your content strategy accordingly.

Inconsistent Posting Schedule

Not having a regular posting schedule can greatly diminish your engagement and visibility. When you fail to post regularly, your video is less likely to appear on your potential followers’ ‘For You Page.’ That results in fewer shares, comments, and likes.

Solution: Regular uploads are critical, especially for a content creator on TikTok. That signals the algorithm that you are an active and reliable TikToker, improving your chances of getting promoted to a wider audience.

Start by understanding your audience’s behavior and active times. Then, create a posting schedule that matches your target audience’s behavior and needs to maximize engagement.

Boring Captions

Boring captions have a way of diminishing the anticipation and interest of your fan base, right before they even get to watch your content. That leads to a drastic drop in your overall engagement with your followers.

Solution: To create captions that are compelling and attention-grabbing, add some humour or questions to them. Use emojis, hashtags, and relevant keywords to make your captions more visually appealing and searchable. You could also try telling stories to add a little bit of depth and personality to this part.

How to Get More Likes on TikTok?

Here are the most effective ways to get more likes on TikTok

Define Your Audience

Understanding the viewership of your media will help you to understand more about your targeted groups as well as the kind of content they might be interested in. Moreover, this will enable you to adjust your content based on their needs, increasing your engagement.

Take a minute and assess who is watching your TikTok. Ensure that you know their age brackets, what other things they enjoy doing, and ways in which they behave that can serve as inputs for your content creation process. Such data can be collected through TikTok’s analysis features.

After obtaining all the information required, make sure you have a plan on how to produce content that speaks to the interests of fans directly.

Promote on Other Social Media

Promote on Other Social Media

If you are looking to promote your TikTok content, there are various social media platforms where you can go. Sharing these videos on Instagram and Facebook, for instance, makes it easier to drive traffic from the channels back to your TikTok page. That leads to more followers who will be interested in watching and interacting with your videos.

Share TikTok video links on your Instagram stories, X polls, and Facebook pages to re-direct your already existing followers on these platforms to your TikTok page. Encourage interactions and build a cohesive online presence across different social media apps.

Collaborate with Other Influencers

Working with another influencer makes it possible to lean on each other’s strengths. That leads to the creation of enticing content that both your audiences will appreciate. As a plus, this collaboration allows you to tap into an already engaged follower base.

Start by searching for influencers with audiences similar to yours. Then, reach out to your preferred influencer through the DM, showing interest in a collaboration. Make sure you already have a project ready that both of you can work on.

Run Contests

Finally, you can run a contest to get your TikTok fan base excited about your content. That will also encourage them to participate and engage with your videos. Take this opportunity to request action from your audience to enter the contest, such as hitting the like button or sharing the post with their individual audience.

That will allow your contest post to reach as many people as possible, further boosting your profile’s visibility. This technique encourages your followers to actively engage with your post, creating a sense of community among them.