Top 5 Countries with largest Gold Reserves

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United States of America Gold reserve in tonnes: 8,133.46 Gold reserve (in $ millions): 489,133.74 Holdings in %: 68.22%

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Germany Gold reserve in tonnes: 3,352.65 Gold reserve (in $ millions): 201,623.07 Holdings in %: 67.34%

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Italy Gold reserve in tonnes: 2,451.84 Gold reserve (in $ millions): 147,449.64 Holdings in %: 64.41%

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France Gold reserve in tonnes: 2,436.88 Gold reserve (in $ millions): 146,551.80 Holdings in %: 66.09%

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Russia Gold reserve in tonnes: 2,332.74 Gold reserve (in $ millions): 140,287.50 Holdings in %: 24.67%

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