Dhatura (Datura metel): Known for its intoxicating properties, Dhatura is often offered to Lord Shiva during prayers. It is believed to have been used by Shiva as a part of his divine rituals.
Bilva (Bael) Leaves and Flowers: The bilva tree is sacred to Lord Shiva, and its leaves and flowers are commonly offered in worship.
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera): The lotus flower represents purity and divinity. It is frequently used in offerings to Shiva, symbolizing spiritual enlightenment and beauty amidst chaos.
Marigold (Tagetes): Marigold flowers are vibrant and often used in garlands and decorations during Shiva pujas.
Jasmine (Jasminum): Known for its sweet fragrance, jasmine is used in offerings to Shiva to represent purity and devotion. Its delicate blossoms are believed to please the deity.